Encouragement Café

Two Gardens - Encouragement Café - April 14, 2017

Two Gardens - Eden and Gethsemane
By Carolyn Dale Newell

Friday, April 14, 2017

Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane…and He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Matthew 26:36-37 NKJV

There are two well-known gardens in Scripture; Eden and Gethsemane. Eden represents peace, joy, beauty, and pleasure. Gethsemane is full of sorrow, agony, disappointment, and betrayal.

During our lifetime, we will pass through both gardens many times.

There are times when we are in the plentiful Garden of Eden. Everything is going well, and we are basking in God’s blessings. All is well with our health, our jobs, and our families.

Sometimes, our journey takes us down the paths of Gethsemane. Trouble brings us to our knees, praying to God in agony and distress. We have seasons of pain, heartache, and illness.

Do you ever feel like you spend more time in the garden of Gethsemane than in Eden? I think most of us would agree with that, but there is one very important thing to remember about Gethsemane; Jesus has already been there.

Jesus has already borne the burden that seems too heavy to carry. We may suffer, but none of us have ever been under the stress that causes us to sweat drops of blood.

Christian, He knows what it feels like. He knows disappointment. Three of His closest disciples could not even stay awake to pray with Him. He has faced betrayal when Judas gave Him the kiss of death.

Jesus asked the Father to remove the cup of suffering, and He knows what it feels like to submit to something because it is the Father’s will.

How many times have we asked our heavenly Father to remove the thorn, and how many times has He given us the grace to live with it?

Take comfort in knowing that when you are in Gethsemane, you are not alone. Jesus is there with you, comforting you, giving you strength, and grace. He has walked through Gethsemane, and He will lead you through it.

Are you in Eden today? Enjoy it, and praise God for those blessings! Perhaps, you are in Gethsemane today. Jesus has been there, and He is there now, right by your side. Lean on His strong arm. He will carry you through.

Lord Jesus, thank You for going through the suffering of Gethsemane. Thank You for Your strength and grace that is getting me through today. Thank You for leaving Gethsemane, and dying in my place on the cross. In Your name, I pray. Amen!

© 2017 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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