Encouragement Café

You Don’t Have to DO Anything - Encouragement Café - April 19, 2018

You Don’t Have to DO Anything
By Dawn Mast

Thursday, April 19, 2018

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV

After almost 11 years of homeschooling I found myself needing to schedule a chat with our daughter’s math teacher. Our son was still being taught at home, but our daughter needed something different, so we sought the help of a wonderful Christian school for her.

It felt a little strange, but also tremendously freeing to turn her education over to someone else. Still, I’d not really gotten accustomed to the idea of parent-teacher conferences. There was something a little intimidating about meeting with the lady who was teaching our daughter math.

What if she found out how terrible I was at math or how lazy I was when it came to helping my kids review math facts before a test?

Certainly, she’d be horrified to know that I wasn’t great at following up with our daughter about her homework every day and I often forgot to ask about test and quiz scores.

However, what she really wanted to discuss was the fact that our girl was doing great in class and just needed to not doodle so much. It was a matter of her needing to listen to her teacher and not doodle and daydream.

I asked what I could do to help remedy this situation and she said I didn’t have to DO anything. She explained that the situation was under control and that since our daughter’s grades were very good she just wanted her to listen better and absorb the material.

I left the building and kept thinking about her words.

I didn’t have to DO anything.

Youdon’t have to DO anything.

This is powerful! It reminds me of faith. Jesus really doesn’t need us to DO anything for Him to love us.  Salvation has been achieved through Him.

Death has been conquered and our sins are forgiven. We can’t work our way to better salvation, or do anything to make Him love us more.

This is grace. It is a matter of knowing that you will be loved, forgiven and cared for by the One Who died for you and there is nothing required on your part.

The freedom in knowing that we don’t have to measure up, perform or do anything to be loved by Christ is a spectacular blessing.

I don’t even fully understand it most days, but I do know that He doesn’t require perfect behavior or action on my part in exchange for His grace and love.

It’s the same for you; nothing is required by you for Jesus to love and accept you. Bask in that knowledge today, dear friend, and go into your day feeling deeply loved.

If you find yourself in disbelief about grace and what it means (It’s hard to grasp what Jesus did for us, isn’t it?!) try to imagine the person you love the most and how you would do anything for them.

This is just a small glimpse of how He loves you and the lengths He has gone through and will continue to go through on your behalf. Focus on this depth of love Jesus has for you and live like you are well loved today because you are!

Loving Heavenly Father, I pray for the person reading this right now that they will know they are loved. Please speak to their heart and let them know they do not have to DO anything for You to love them. Your love is so deep, wide and strong that nothing can separate You from the ones You love. Thank You, God, that no matter what we do, think or say, You still love us! Your love is a gift and we are so grateful to humbly receive it.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2018 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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