Encouragement Café

Baggage - Encouragement Café - August 29, 2017

By Dawn Aldrich

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5: 1

It amazes me how little my husband needs to pack for a trip. Whether it’s a week or just a weekend, he fits everything into a carry-on. I, however, need the largest suitcase, an overnight bag AND a large tote bag!

You see, I pack for the “just in case” moments. Maybe you can relate? I pack that pretty dress “just in case” we visit a fancy restaurant, (which also requires packing an extra pair of shoes, a clutch, matching jewelry and perfume).

I pack a long pair of pants for a summer trip down south “just in case” the weather turns cold. (Have you ever known a July day less than 85 degrees?)  So, you can imagine how heavy my baggage is on our return trip.

Emotional baggage weighs us down, too. We all carry some. We can’t help it. It comes from living in a broken world. Life circumstances wound us, physically, emotionally or both.

We pack things for our protection, for those “just in case” moments, like: fear, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, and unforgiving hearts. The list is endless, and these contents get heavier until they immobilize us.

Take courage. There is hope. Freedom is ours, through Jesus, if we want it. All He asks is permission to open our bags and sort through the dirty laundry. It’s scary at first.

 Who enjoys showing off their stained rags? It’s embarrassing, painful, and unpleasant. But Jesus is gracious and compassionate, never condemning, only loving.

And as He unpacks our bags, he transforms our old, stained rags into new ones, preparing and empowering us for a new journey.

Is your baggage weighing you down, immobilizing you? Have you overpacked “just in case?”  If so, won’t you consider allowing Jesus to unpack your bags, do some laundry and prepare you for a new, exciting journey?

Emotional baggage should never be trivialized. If you find yourself immobilized by emotional baggage please seek a professional, Christian counselor to guide you through the unpacking process.

Dear Lord, thank You for allowing us to cast all our worries onto You.  Thank You for loving us so completely and unconditionally.  Thank You for taking that baggage from our hearts and carrying it away.  We love You and we trust in You. Amen.

© 2017 by Dawn Aldrich. All rights reserved.

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