Encouragement Café

You are My Sunshine - Encouragement Café - August 5, 2016

Encouragement Café is on the road this fall featuring dynamic speakers, painters, and award-winning worship artists.  Tickets on sale now. 

For a full event lineup visit us at encouragementcafe.com/events2016.

You Are My Sunshine
By Karen Oakes
Friday, August 5, 2016

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.  Matthew 21:22 KJV

Living in rural Pennsylvania, winters can be harsh.  On this particular day, I had a bad case of cabin fever.  A snowstorm had just passed and my daughter finally had a day of school.  I volunteered to drive her and decided to make a visit to my sister’s farm.

On the way to school, the sun was shining so brightly with even a faint rainbow.  Of course, this sparked our conversation to discuss Noah and God’s promises.

I dropped her off and as I headed to the farm, I was really enjoying the warm sun after being cooped up and snowed in.  I am one of those people who firmly believe the sunshine boosts your mood and makes you smile.  I was praying,

Thank You God for this beautiful warm sun, please let it shine on me all day.

At this point, I am winding around the curve of her mile long driveway only to realize I can’t go any further, I am stuck!  I was so focused on praying, I didn’t realize her road was not plowed.  I called my husband to come to my rescue with his plow truck.

I am waiting and waiting, and as I shut off my car, I realize I am sitting right in full sun that is shining between two trees.  It was below 30 degrees that day, but I felt as though I was on a tropical island.  I sat and soaked up the sun and prayed to God for almost two hours.

Finally, I am on my way home crying all the way, not because my car battery died, or because my husband was grumpy, but because I had just spent quality time with God who answered a small simple prayer.  God knew I needed that time, which I otherwise might not have taken, if I had no choice but to stay put.

I am grateful I have a relationship with Him.  He cares about me, and He cares about you!

Take notice to simple little blessings that you have each and every day.  All you need to do is look, to find God’s love, light or warmth.  How has God blessed you today?

Father God, thank You for being there and listening and answering our prayers, no matter how big or small. Thank You for the simple pleasures and basic needs of this world. Let us not take them for granted because they, as well, are gifts from You.

© 2015 by Karen Oakes. All rights reserved.

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