Encouragement Café

King of Kings - Encouragement Café - December 19, 2017

King of Kings

By Ramona Davis

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:  “KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS””
Revelations 19:16

As I waited for my first cup of coffee, I stepped out onto the deck and breathed in the crisp, chilly air. I love fall! The dark morning sky was filled with twinkling stars as the crickets softly chirped.

On mornings like this I love to notice where Orion is situated in the sky. It’s just a silly game I play.

This morning it was visible between the tall oak trees in our backyard.

I slowly admired the work of His fingers until all of a sudden, there seemed to be a spotlight on a group of stars I’ve never observed before.

Several bright stars dotted up and down in a zigzag line across the top and one on each corner on the bottom, made the outline of what looked like a giant CROWN!

As I admired this jewel, I began to faintly hear the song, “Crown Him with Many Crowns”. It grew louder and louder from a Heavenly choir somewhere in my mind that took my breath away.

It was beautiful! My own heart began to involuntarily sing, “We fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus.”

It’s been too long since I honored Him as my King. Friend? Yes. Lord? Yes, but too long since acknowledging Him as King of Kings.

Our government leaves much to be desired. Leaders leave us disappointed and at times, disgusted.

Today, I confess Him as King. Not the King of a future government, although He is that, but I acknowledge Him as King of my life!

Even the stars He created silently exclaim, “He is KING!”

Lord Jesus, I bow in my heart to You and submit to Your authority in my life. You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords both now and forever more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Ramona Davis.  All rights reserved.

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