Encouragement Café

Discover One Essential for Handling Trials - Encouragement Café - December 20, 2016

Discover One Essential for Handling Trials
By Carolyn Dale Newell
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5 NKJV

Are you in the midst of a trial?

We do not like them but the Christian life is filled with struggles.  James tells us that there is one essential we all need while navigating life’s storms – wisdom.

Sarah and Abraham receive much attention for their plot to have a child using Hagar, Sarah’s maid.  Sarah could not conceive, and she thought Hagar was the only solution to their problem.

Sarah was using worldly intellect, not divine wisdom.  Worldly wisdom is not always wise wisdom.

Before we judge Sarah’s actions, let’s look at our own decisions.

We try to figure out the best way to get ourselves out of difficult situations.  We pray about it.  We ask God to remove it.  We even ask God to guide us, but often we come up with our own plans.

We tell God how to fix it. We choose the easiest and quickest route out of trouble.  Many times those plans are based on our knowledge and desires, not God’s wise purposes.

We struggle with decisions.  We want God to give us His answer on a billboard so it is crystal clear.

What does James tell us?

All we have to do to obtain divine wisdom is ask God for it.  That’s it!  Just ask, and He gives it to us.

Notice that God distributes it liberally.  He doesn’t drop this divine gift through an eye dropper.  No, He pours it out on us by the bucketful.

The hard part for us is being sure we are hearing from God.  There is no harm in confirming that it is His message we are receiving.

Often, His plans make no sense to us.  His ways are not our ways (Is. 55:8-9).

Whatever you are going through now, ask God for the necessary wisdom you will need to understand His plans and purposes.

Read James 1:2-8.

Here are some suggestions I have found helpful while praying during trying times:

●      Seek wisdom

●      Don’t forget to praise

●      Thank God for what He will do

●      Pray for healing

●      Pray for the breakthrough

●      Trust God

Lord, I seek Your wisdom today.  You are my Father, my Creator and my Sustainer.  You know what is better for me than I do.  Help me hear from You today and know without a doubt that it is You.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

© 2016 by Carolyn Dale Newell All rights reserved.

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