Encouragement Café

Free as a Bird - Encouragement Café - December 26, 2017

Free as a Bird

By Ramona Davis

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”” Matthew 9:37-38 NIV

Do you ever wish you could fly? I do. Oh, to spread out wings to the full extent and soar high on winds from above. Above the dirt and smog to clean, fresh air. Flying with no restraints or inhibitions. Flying free.

As I took my morning walk, I watched a bird fly effortlessly across my path and it brought to mind an Old Testament purification ceremony. This ceremony involves two wild birds of a kind, cedarwood, a scarlet cloth, and a hyssop branch.

A clay pot was filled with fresh spring water. One of the birds was slaughtered over the clay pot as its blood dripped into the water.

The priest would then dip the living bird along with the cedarwood, the scarlet cloth, and the hyssop branch into the bloody water of the slaughtered bird.

My favorite part…at the end of the ceremony, the living bird would be set free to fly away into the open fields.

In the Scriptures above, the symbolism in Christ’s words is rich and fascinating!

Cedarwood is durable and very resistant to decay.

The scarlet cloth symbolizes blood, required for the forgiveness of sins, victory over death.

Hyssop was an aromatic herb used for flavoring, fragrance and medicine.

The springwater, running water, literally means “living water”. Christ the Living Water.

One bird was slaughtered so the other could be set free. Christ our Lamb who was slain.

The living bird was set free into the open field. Those who have accepted Christ have been set free! Free as a bird! Free to fly in open fields, harvest fields.

Fly free. Free from inhibitions, insecurity and sin.

Fly free and make a difference for Christ in the harvest field where you are today.

Lord, Help me to be moldable and pliable in Your hands. Don’t let me resist what You want to do in me and through me. I want to be submissive to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Ramona Davis.  All rights reserved.

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