Encouragement Café

When Receiving is Better Than Giving - Encouragement Café - December 29, 2016


When Receiving is Better Than Giving
By Noelle Dey
Thursday, December 29, 2016

… the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  Matthew 20:28 NIV

Treadmills are not for the faint of heart.

I pushed the green start button and my finger slipped in a pool of someone else’s sweat.  After my internal germ-a-phobic battle, I turned up the volume on my music and ran.  And ran.  And ran.

But I didn’t end up in a different destination.  I was in the exact same place as when I started.  The only thing that changed was my level of exhaustion.

It’s the same way I’ve approached the majority of my Christian life.

Acts 20:35 is the music I’ve been running to,

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ NIV

I ran each day on the treadmill of life.  I gave everything in effort to bless Jesus.  But my daily destination was always the same.  I lived in the land of fatigue.  My body was breaking down.  It didn’t take much for me to snap at the very people I set out to serve.

In my lowest moment, Jesus whispered truth.  When it comes to my relationship with Him, it’s better to receive than to give.  He is an endless supply.  Just ask Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42, or the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-26.

Any chance you’re like me?  Have you approached this equation backwards? 

If so, get excited because with renewed understanding, we can receive a triple-shot latte of spiritual energy.

Jesus delights in giving to us.  It’s why He came.  He didn’t come for us to serve Him.  He came to give His all for us.  And when we receive from His never-ending supply, then we have fuel to give to others.

Take a moment to receive from Jesus.  Read Psalm 23 and ask God to reveal the gift He wants to give you.  After you fully receive it, you will be refreshed and blessed when you give to others.

Heavenly Papa, Thank You for Jesus’ words.  He came to serve us.  How humbling!  Help us to receive our full measure from You so we have the ability to be blessed and refreshed as we give to others.  In Jesus’ Name, we praise You and pray, Amen!

© 2016 by Noelle Dey.  All rights reserved.

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