Encouragement Café

Yahweh Borey - Encouragement Café - January 1, 2018

Yahweh Borey
By Ramona Davis

“He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast?” Psalms 147:17 NIV

Yahweh Borey is a new name for God I learned in Mary Kassian’s, Knowing God by Name, Bible study today. I’ve never heard that name before. Yahweh, yes. Borey, nope.  Yahweh Borey is the Hebrew name for God that translates into English as LORD Creator. The author encourages readers to take the time to look at something in nature and study it. She goes on to ask, “What does this object communicate to you about it’s Creator?”

I love nature and I love how He speaks through His creation, although there have been a lot of devastating storms in the past few days across our nation.  I bow my head for those who have lost loved ones.

I didn’t take the time to study one particular object in nature this morning during my Bible study as the author suggested. However, later in the day I couldn’t help but stand in awe over Yahweh Borey.

A severe thunderstorm rapidly approached the cafe and marble sized hail began to fall. Thinking I had time to move my car into the garage, I grabbed a plastic bucket and threw it on my head. (Yes, I have blonde roots that go down deep.) As I took one step into the rain and sporadic hail, a single stone hit my finger and made me backtrack. FAST.

Just then larger hail stones began to fall like rain. Luann and I ran to the basement and watched with awe from the window, amazed at His power displayed in this storm.

Recently, we have prayed for God to “Reign down on us” just as Cheri Keaggy sings in her song, “Reign on me”.

God’s reign is not always peaceful and refreshing. Sometimes it is just plain powerful. His power is displayed in ways that just knock you to your knees.

Yep, I’ll remember that name, Yahweh Borey. Powerful and awesome!

Father, Forgive us when we fail to recognize Your power. God, You are all-powerful and nothing is impossible for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Ramona Davis.  All rights reserved.

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