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Blessed Already - Encouragement Café - January 19

Blessed Already
 By Paris Renae

“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” Galatians 5:25 NLT

Sometimes we all feel a little lost. Whether it’s what our next step is or how to take the next step.

Never feels like enough time in a day - enough love to satisfy our heart - enough money to get through. The world is relentless in chasing us and wanting us to chase it – and so enough never comes.

There's a Dr. Seuss book called Oh, The Places You Will Go. A section mid-way through is about the 'waiting time' - "waiting for...the phone to ring...or for a Yes or No...just waiting."

The point was we are all making our way through life and at times it seems we are not making progress - but it's what we do with the in-between time.

The world will always lead us to believe that having the next best thing will get us to our ultimate destination. Drowning our cares in pleasures will make the journey shorter. Eat, drink, and be merry - get your fair share.

What if we lived like we're blessed already - all that would truly make us sigh with contentment was already ours?

There's a funny paradox in life - best said by pastor Doug McIntosh. "Lots of people have learned contentment in poverty. Learning it in abundance is far less common."

Jesus taught this in Matthew 5 in a section called the beatitudes. He said blessed are those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek, and who long for justice. How is any of that a blessing?

It is through the trials that we realize here and now is not all there is. Troubles often free our hearts to chase after eternal wealth, not worldly stuff.

Jesus continued on to say that we are blessed when we are merciful, pure in heart, when we are peacemakers, and when we are persecuted because we seek righteousness.

Um, those also would not be what this world tells us will make us feel blessed. But it is those very things that will draw others to us - because we are different and sincerity is easily discerned by a world starving for it.

The key is: 'blessed' is past tense. Already blessed. When we accept the outstretched hand of Jesus all the promises of no death, no sickness, no sorrow, no want or need - are ours. Contrast those with the world's stuff - I choose His promises.

The Mercedes, the huge diamond, the mansion - when we take our last breath somebody else gets those. But when we trust God that we don't have to grab it all now, we can rest in the enough of today.

Father, Help us rest in You – be our enough. Because in You we are so rich and have so much to look forward to. Keep us chasing after You and use the joy that produces in us to draw others who are tired of chasing after the world. In You we are blessed more and more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2021 by Paris Renae. All rights reserved.

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