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Time to Shine - Encouragement Café - January 19, 2017

Time to Shine
by Dawn Mast
Thursday, January 19, 2017

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

God had been calling. For years, He had been knocking on the door of my heart, calling me out to answer Him and just wanting me to use my gifts. But I always had excuses. I was too busy, too tired, too afraid of failing or I just didn't want to try something new.

But He didn't give up. The gifts He gives us are His, and He wants to use them and turn them out for the glory of His Kingdom. So, He gently kept nudging me to write, to share and then to speak my heart. The more I stepped out in faith the more I saw Him move and people were encouraged to trust Him.

One day it became very personal. Because my husband is a doctor, we have a way of life a bit different from most of our friends. Mark works long days, brings home charts to complete and has occasional meetings after work at the hospital. I can sometimes feel very alone, stretched thin and stressed when I've carried too many family and household responsibilities.

The Lord started gently letting me know that there are other ladies who feel this way too. That being in a medical marriage is sweet and satisfying, but it can also be stressful! I started meeting other medical families and doctors wives who just needed encouragement, prayer and for someone who could understand the unique situations of our lives.

With a lot of faith, and some fear, I stepped out and asked about speaking to a group of doctors wives. I want to bring encouragement and hope to them for when they are struggling and exhausted. Maybe just one sweet person needs to hear that even though her husband seems far too busy, he doesn't love her any less. And that one of the biggest and most powerful things she can do is pray for her husband and his healing ministry. 

I have no idea how this will look in a few months or a year. But I know that He put a call and desire in my heart to tell other wives of doctors that they have someone who understands their life and who will pray for them. I want to see all marriages thrive and grow in the name of Jesus, although I have a special place in my heart for medical people. This is where God is calling me to shine for Him right now.

Being able to shine for God is not easy or flashy. It's scary to say, "Yes" when you don't know the outcome or really what you are saying "yes" to! But, if you know Who you are saying "yes" to, then you can trust and hope in Him for the future and know that His will is best.

Make a list of your gifts and see where you can shine for God's kingdom.

Father God, I want to shine brightly for You. Please use the gifts You have given me to encourage and speak life to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2017 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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