Encouragement Café

Already Done - Encouragement Café - January 22, 2018

Already Done
By Dawn Mast

Monday, January 22, 2018

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:9-10 NIV

Mornings at our house are absolutely hectic and sometimes overloaded. We have everyone going in a different direction and none of our schedules align.

With my husband on a hospital schedule, one student attending public high school, another being homeschooled and our daughter, who needs to be driven to private Christian school, our calendar is a busy network. We even have a son away at college, so his schedule sometimes gets thrown into the mix for consideration.

One especially busy morning my husband was running behind. He doesn’t like to be rushed or run late, so I knew he was feeling frustrated by how late it was getting and he still needed to shave, shower and make his lunch.

He didn’t say anything, but I could tell from his outward appearance that he was getting stressed. As he showered, I made his lunch. I had a few extra moments that morning so it was easy for me to help.

When I told him his lunch was already packed and ready, he looked relieved. He seemed a little less stressed and was able to spend some time calmly getting ready for his day.

Isn’t it a good feeling when something has already been done for you? Whether it’s something you are dreading or just something that needs to get done that just you haven’t had the time to accomplish.

When you can stop worrying about that task, problem or issue and focus on other things (usually different tasks, problems or issues!) then you can give attention to something else.

It’s freeing to know that Jesus died on the cross for us so we don’t have to be a slave to sin. He has already done what was meant for us.

Because He took the punishment for our sin and lay the burdens upon His shoulders we can now focus on living for Him and telling others about the redeeming power of Christ.

God knew we’d need help. He could foresee that we’d need to have things already done for us. Our sins would need to be redeemed and forgiven for us to live godly lives.

There will be days when we will need to return to The Lord over and over and ask for help, forgiveness, grace, peace and mercy. In those moments, He will tell us that it is already done.

May your day, week and coming month be full of grace from the God Who knows what you need to have already done.

Life can be messy and sometimes miserable! It can also be miraculous! Whatever you need to have already done, share it with God. He may be preparing you for it right now and you just need to ask and ready your heart and mind.

That’s exciting! He knows just what we need and when we need it! He goes before us and He’s the God of the already done! You are loved and prayed for sweet friend!

Father God, We love that You go before us and prepare our way. You know what needs to be done in our families, our hearts, our nation and our world. You are working and You’ve already done what needs to be done. Show us, Lord, how to have ready, servant hearts so You can use us to accomplish Your will. We praise You God for the way You know what is best. Thank you! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

© 2018 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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