Encouragement Café

How Will God Use This for Good - Encouragement Café - January 23, 2017

How Will God Use This for Good
by Carolyn Dale Newell
Monday, January 23, 2017

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

Tears raced down my cheeks as the door slammed behind me. I was home now, and I could cry. I screamed, “Why, God?” All my self-confidence had been erased within moments.

I am legally blind, but cataract surgery had improved my vision. It also created new hurdles with mobility. Since our neighborhood has no sidewalks, I struggled to navigate around two parked cars. The curb evaded my white cane. Frantic, scared, and embarrassed, I searched for it. Was I in someone’s driveway? Was I in the middle of the street?

Finally, I found some curbing which led me to a familiar point and I made it safely home.

A friend wanted to help discern God’s purpose in such a shattering circumstance. Eager to find a solution, she suggested a guide dog. I immediately dismissed the idea repeating the excuses etched in my mind. I don’t work outside the home, nor do I walk long distances, and the training keeps you out-of-state for months.

Her idea planted a thought which continued to grow. I contacted a blind friend who had once owned a guide dog. She recalled stories filled with laughter about her dog.  She reminded me that she also worked from home.  She recommended a school with a three-week class. All my excuses were now nonexistent.

After much thought and prayer, I applied to the school. I am now successfully walking three miles daily preparing for my upcoming classes.

What has frightened you or ripped away your self-assurance? Your answer may not be as easy to find, but God has an answer. It may take time to discover the good, but God works it all together for good. Seek His wisdom. Ask Him for guidance. God is good, even when times are bad.

When have you seen a good outcome from a not-so-good situation? Some circumstances are difficult to find any good in. Often they are the ones which bring God glory. We can encourage one another by sharing our experiences. Who can you share with today?

Lord, Give us patience as we wait upon Your good in our bad situation. Help us trust that You know what is best, because You have our good in mind. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2017 by Carolyn Dale Newell All rights reserved.

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