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You are the Equipment - Encouragement Café - January 3, 2017


You Are The Equipment
By Beth Mabe Gianopulos

Tuesday, January 3, 2016

“Don’t begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don’t try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here.

 Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously. 

Don’t think you have to put on a fundraising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light.”  Matthew 10:5-10 (MSG)

Many people have a deep desire to live a life that is a light in the darkness.  They want to be caught up in a movement that matters.  But wanting to lead a life of passion is different from actually living a life of passion.

Many people are unable to experience a zest for life because they haven’t taken the time to examine themselves and find their unique calling.  For those that have taken the time to find their calling, they may not feel empowered to act on that calling.  If you deeply desire to live a life that matters, what do you do?

First, you have to identify your passion.  We don’t need to waste our time looking back.  Instead, Jesus instructs, “No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.” Luke 9:61 (MSG).  In order to find your passion, you can’t worry about past mistakes.  Instead, you need to seize the day, and ask yourself, “What excites me?  Is there an activity that consumes me so much that I lose track of time?  What makes me weep?”  Some passions are more obvious, such as loving to teach children.

 However, other passions may require more introspection.  We have a recent high school graduate at our church that raises rabbits and travels all over the US competing with show rabbits.  Rabbits are her life.  When she traveled on a mission trip with our church to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, she was struck by the hunger and need for sustainable food.  Today, she teaches the Lakota tribe how to care for and raise food rabbits.  She took her passion for rabbits and figured out a way to use it for God.

Second, you need to identify your gifts.  Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30 and Ephesians 4:11 each list a number of spiritual gifts.  Do you enjoy teaching? Do you enjoy being behind the scenes and serving?  Once you have identified your passions, then you can examine your gifts to see how you may be able to use those gifts to live out your passion. 

I am friends with a lady that is a hair stylist.  She has a passion for styling hair, and she has the gift of compassion.  She has discovered how to use her passion for hair and her gift of compassion to help others.  While she was in school, a lady would come to get her hair styled regularly.  Because the lady could be a difficult client, no one wanted to wash and cut her hair.  My friend used her passion and her gift to talk to the lady and show her Christ’s love.

Finally, you have to act.  Every minute that you spend TALKING about what you are going to do and seeking validation for your calling is a minute that you could be out DOING.  Because your passion and your gifts are unique to you, others may not understand your path.  That is ok.  Because God has empowered you! 

In Matthew 10:1-15 (MSG) Jesus said, “Don’t think you have to put on a fundraising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment.”  When God gives you a passion and a gift, you do not need to wait.  Jesus has confidence that you are enough, you are the equipment.

Today is the day to decide that you will be a shining light in a dark world.  Take time to reflect on your passions, discover your gifts, and embrace God’s power.

Jesus, Thank You for creating me with unique passions and gifts.  Thank You for empowering me to use my passions and gifts to bring light to a dark world.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2017 by Beth Mabe Gianopulos.  All rights reserved.

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