Encouragement Café

A Simple Act Can Make a Dramatic Difference - Encouragement Café - January 21

A Simple Act Can Make a Dramatic Difference
 By Jamy Whitaker

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NIV

There is definite power in touch. I am certain we have all experienced this whether it’s a hug, walking hand-in-hand with someone, or an arm around you reassuring you things will be alright.

This idea of the power of touch was never more evident to me than when our youngest, Madilynn, was born.

Due to complications, she had to be delivered a few weeks early via c-section. Because she was so early, she was rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where she remained for quite some time.

Unlike our other children, we were unable to hold her for a while. However, we were allowed to sit next to her isolette and talk to her and touch her.

My husband and I soon discovered that Maddy’s breathing and heart rate would calm down at our touch. From the earliest moments in her life, I was able to bring her help and comfort with the simple action of touching her hand.

I am happy to report that, as sick as Maddy was when she was born, she shows no signs of those effects today. However, even years later, when she is scared and needs comforting, she wants nothing more than for me to hold her hand.

As a small child, that simple act reassures her that she is loved and everything will be just fine.

Our loving heavenly Father does the very same thing with each of us. God holds us in His mighty right hand to bring us comfort and to drive our fears away.

I challenge you this week to think of one simple act that you could do for someone around you. Your choice to reach out to that person may make all the difference to them.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your mighty touch – showing how You love and protect us. I pray that we will follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in our lives and be Your hands and feet to those around us. The world can be a dark and lonely place. Help us to spread Your hope and light into the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2021 by Jamy Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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