Encouragement Café

Good Grief - Encouragement Café - July 20, 2016

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Good Grief
By Jamy Whitaker
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.  Psalm 56:8 NLT

Grief can come in all shapes and sizes and strike at any time.  The real question is how you will respond when the storms of life bring tragedy into your world.

A little over six years ago, I was sitting in the local emergency room with what I thought was a gallbladder attack.  My husband and I were shocked when the doctor came in and said I was pregnant.  Our youngest was just a few months old, but we trusted God and were excited about this surprise blessing.

I just know it was a little girl, our Mackenzie Jane.  I was thinking about nursery ideas and the cute little pink frilly dresses we would be purchasing.  It had been years since I had bought pink dresses.

All these images were floating in my mind as I headed to the doctor’s office.  I remember lying on the cool table with the paper that crumpled every time I moved.  This was the day we were going to hear the precious heartbeat.  There was only the sound of my heart.  The doctor didn’t seem too concerned. He just scheduled an appointment to do an ultrasound at the hospital the next day.

It was a long 24 hours to wait.  My husband was able to go to the appointment with me.  He held my hand as the technician started the ultrasound.  We kept waiting for the sound of that precious heartbeat, but it never came.

I don’t remember walking out of the hospital – it was all a blur.  I do remember falling apart on the way home.  I felt like my world was falling apart.  I couldn’t comprehend why this precious baby was taken from us.  I went the entire gamut of emotions – sadness, anger, depression and questioning why this was happening.

It did bring comfort to me to know that I wasn’t alone.  God was with me every step of the way.  Not only that but that He collects our tears.  At this point, I figured I must have an entire shelf of bottles filled with my tears from the loss of Mackenzie.

In the depths of my sadness and loss, I felt God wrap His loving arms around me.  He knew the pain of losing a child.  In my time of grief and sadness, I had a choice to make.  Would I allow the storm to engulf me or would I turn to the lighthouse for refuge?

God is our ray of hope during the storms.  He brings light and peace into the darkest storms and trials in our lives.  We must choose to seek refuge in Him.

I know how grief can strike and bring about such darkness.  Dear friend, if you are in a storm right now, I challenge you to reach out to God today.  He longs to rescue you.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today broken and hurting.  I can’t understand why this dear loved one has been taken from me.  However, I know that You have everything in control and even in this loss, good will come.  I pray that You wrap Your loving arms around me today and bring peace and comfort to me.  In Your Precious Name, Amen.

© 2013 by Jamy Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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