Encouragement Café

Children, a Scary Gift from God - Encouragement Café - July 8, 2016

Children, a Scary Gift from God
By Christie Davis
Friday, July 8, 2016

 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

Let me start by saying that I LOVE my children.  I have to be careful with spending at Christmas when I constantly find things I just know they’ll love.  And while I adore my children, they terrify me.  No . . . being a parent terrifies me.  Psalm 127:3 says,

“Behold, children are a gift of the Lord.  The fruit of the womb is a reward.” (NASB) 

Children are a gift from God; however, that doesn’t make the task of being a parent easy.

I have two wonderful children, an 8 year old son and an 11 year old daughter.  They both make life fun and interesting, but they are both children.  My son is “all boy” and my daughter is not a “girly-girl” but prefers old t-shirts and wrestling with her daddy.  Our children have professed their faith in Christ and have shared some answered prayers with others. 

However, they have never been perfect angels in church or public places.  They will voice their opinions to whoever may be present.  I have to confess that I’ve often watched other children sitting perfectly still and quiet and wondered if I have trained my children properly. 

So, why do I feel like my children are not fitting into a perfect mold?

Maybe they’re not supposed to fit a mold.  What if God needs them just the way they are?

One day this week, my daughter came home from middle school and told us all about her day.  She explained how her PE class had been working in small groups building forts outside for several days.  One of the boys in her group seems to use curse words regularly to express himself.  This particular day, my daughter thought the boy was using curse words in every sentence that he said. 

All I could think was, “How can I protect my child?”  She approached the teacher and asked to be moved to a different group because of that reason.  The teacher said that she agreed and understood that our family does not allow those types of words.  My daughter then replied, “That is true, but I don’t allow myself to be around those words.” 

Praise the Lord for my daughter’s bold personality!  How true is 3 John 1:4,

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

God does have a plan for my children’s lives.  God will use that personality to be a blessing and a leader for others.  We will never be perfect parents, just as my children will never be perfect.  However, by leading them to Jesus, His way will be perfect through them. 

God created each personality and knows exactly how to use it.  If we stay faithful, we will see that God is always in control.  Cherish your family and their personalities.  He will reveal His plans, for He never breaks His promises.

Examine these personalities and think about each member of your family.  

The Four Personalities by Gary Smalley:

·      Lion:  likes to be in charge of a group, a leader, good at directing

·      Beaver:  good at organizing things, likes to keep things in order, good at planning

·      Otter:  fun loving, “life of the party,” likes to be around others, spontaneous

·      Golden Retriever:  friendly, people pleaser, loyal, caring     

How can God use you and your family for His good?  Pray for God to use your personalities and to lead your paths.

Dear Jesus, thank You for creating each of us in Your own design.  I pray that I value all of Your creations and their personalities for You are in control.  Please use my personality to train my children in the way that they fully experience You and will never run from or turn their backs on You.  Guide my children, and I pray that they become true soldiers for You.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

© 2013 by Christie Davis.  All rights reserved.

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