Encouragement Café

Mama’s Friends Rock - Encouragement Café - March 30

Mama’s Friends Rock
By Annah Matthews

Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7 HCSB

As I entered my 30's I joined a new sorority of sisters known as motherhood. We were young moms in the trenches - wiping up spills, splitting time between laundry, meals, nursing, and diaper changes. We compared weekly notes on the best playgrounds, parks, fitness centers, grocery stores, pediatricians, and potty training success. There is no other network like the one I have found with mamas who are at home on a daily basis caring for little people. 

When you don't have family living nearby your mommy friends become your extended family and you call them like you would call your own mom or sister. 

You realize that God placed these women in your life to remind you that we are created for relationship and we minister to each other's hearts in many ways. For example:

  • A card in the mail from a friend who said she knew that having a new baby is so hard and she wanted me to know she was praying for me.
  • A text from a friend that says she just saw the coolest boots on sale that she knew I had been looking for and she grabbed them for me because she knew they were my style.
  • A call on a random Tuesday morning that my girlfriend made dinner for me because she made a big pot of chili last night. She thought of me and figured I was tired and deserved a night off of cooking.
  • A mom at the bus stop when the bus is 20 minutes late who says, "Don't worry about it. I'll drive the kids to school." 

Often times I am tempted to play the comparison game and whine to the Lord.  Then the Lord reminds me of a few truths that stop me in my tracks to ask for forgiveness. Here are some blessings:

  • Without my family living close by, I have learned to rely deeply upon the Lord in times of trouble and need. I've found the strength from heaven alone to hang on during extremely bad days when I was by myself through sheer prayer and perseverance. 
  • My husband and I have learned to rely deeply upon each other because we're a team.  My husband has stepped up to the plate on more levels than I could have ever imagined. I have great respect and total confidence in his parenting
  • I've developed bonds and friendships with girls that run deep because what better way to love a mom than to love her and her children. 

I'll never forget one particular trek to the mall just to eat at the food court and play on the indoor playground. Despite my carefully planned nursing schedule and multiple trips to the potty for my almost 3-year old, I had just sat down to eat when the baby started fussing because she had an atomic diaper blowout. 

Not only was I going to have to leave my food sitting at the table but I also was going to have to get the stroller, the baby, the 3-year-old (who was hungry), and myself into a tiny bathroom stall to change a diaper, do a full-body wipe down, outfit change, and hand sanitizer for myself and 3 year old. 

At that exact moment, a friend from church walked up to me and asked how I was doing. I told her we were great (LIE!) but I was going to have to take the baby to the bathroom to get changed. She said, "Here let me have her. Just give me your diaper bag and I'll take care of it. Sit here and enjoy your meal." 

I almost cried. Seriously. 

I thank God for that moment because not only did she totally take care of it without batting an eye but she did it at a moment’s notice and didn't think twice about it. Call it divine diaper intervention but that moment spoke so much truth to my heart from the Lord. 

I care about you and your children.

I care about the little things just as much as the big things.

I know your every need even before you do. 

I created you for relationship.


I created these relationships for you.

What is the sweetest thing a friend has ever done for you?

Thank You God for the joy of friendships and girlfriends who speak truth, encouragement and wisdom into our mommy hearts. May You remind us that You created these relationships for us and may we seek the gift of godly friends who love us despite our mess. 

For more encouragement, visit Annah at thingsmommatoldme.blogspot.com.

© 2021 by Annah Matthews.  All rights reserved.

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