Encouragement Café

Just Like Her Daddy - Encouragement Café - June 20, 2016

Just Like Her Daddy
By Joan Walker Hahn

Monday, June 20, 2016

He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, “Show us the Father”?  Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?  The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.  John 14:9b-10  NASB


I remember once when my first born daughter was around 8 months old.  I went to the grocery store and she was riding in the buggy.  A lady came up to me that I didn’t know and said,

She has to be a Hahn!

Of course, I was a little taken aback, but smiled and said,


She began laughing and told me she knew my husband and his family and that when she saw my daughter, her red hair, fair skin and facial features, that she had to be a part of that family.  She was right.  Many of the grandchildren in the family look so much alike that people would say they are siblings or that they look just like one of their aunts or uncle more than the parent that is not of that family.

Then you have resemblances that are based on characteristics or mannerisms more than physical features.  When our children were small, if one of them did something they needed to be corrected for, I would tell my husband they were acting just like him!  Of course he would say they were acting like me.

As children of God, we are supposed to be look more like Christ every day.  When we think about looking like Christ, we may think of things like serving one another, witnessing to those around us or volunteering for a worthy need. 

We do need to be busy doing the work of God and letting people see Christ through our works.  However, anyone can do works and make people think they are acting Godly.  More importantly, we need to look more like Christ inwardly.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  Galatians 5:22-23 NASB

I do want to be busy about my Father’s work.  I want people to see me being the hands and feet of Christ through the things I do.  But I also want to resemble my Father in the love and joy my life exhibits. 

I want my character and mannerisms to reflect kindness and gentleness.  I want to be peacefully patient and known as a good person fully controlled by the Spirit of God. 

I want to look more like my Abba, Daddy, every day.

Take time to study each Fruit of the Spirit.  They all involve changes from within a person.  After that inner transformation takes place, then it should result in outward expressions of our faith. 

But most of the time it’s our attitude and demeanor, not just our works, that people will judge us by.

Christ said He had to be about His Father’s business.  He performed miracles, such as healing people and multiplying food to feed many people.  He did many outward works to prove He and He alone was from the Father.

But He also loved and forgave people.  He was compassionate and prayed fervently.  The very love He exhibited to the world by being meek as a Lamb when He gave up His life, showed us plainly the character of God.

Ask yourself:  Do I look like my Daddy?

Abba Father, I praise You Father, for the love and mercy You have shown me.  Thank You for sending Your Only Son, Jesus, to die for me.  My heart’s desire is to grow more in the image of Christ every day.  Help me to live a life so that when others look at me, they see You.  Thank you for saving me and calling me Your child.  I love You, Father.   Amen. 

© 2016 by Joan Walker Hahn.  All rights reserved.

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