Encouragement Café

My Real Name - Encouragement Café - June 24, 2016

My Real Name
By Dawn Mast

Friday, June 24, 2016

… Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you… Isaiah 43:1, 4 NIV

It was only a few words, but hearing them really hurt.

Skinny legs!  Skinny legs!

I knew the words were for me.  I'd been 5 feet 10 inches tall since I was about 12 years old.  You'd think by the time I'd gotten to high school the taunts and teasing would have toughened me up or I would have been able to ignore the jabs about my height and weight. Nope.

I'd cry, and everyone around me would dry the tops of their heads and life would go on.  But, I took those mean words to heart.  Just a few cruelties can really topple a person's spirit.  Not everyone takes teasing seriously, but for those of us who do, it can be a painful thing that actually shapes who we are.

But, the reverse is also true.  Kind, gentle words can build up and not tear down (Ephesians 4:29).  I find Jesus' words to me to be soothing, loving and kind.  Certainly when I read God's Word, I am convicted of my sins, but I also find solace in the way He sees me.

The words in Isaiah 43 are a powerful reminder of who God says we are. He says He has redeemed us because we are His (verse 1).  We are precious and honored in His sight, and He loves us (verse 4). 

The world might wound us and leave us feeling neglected and mislabeled sometimes.  But the Lord and His Word will always take notice of who we are in Christ.   He love us unconditionally and calls us redeemed in His name.

If we want to be whole, we need to look to the One who is Holy, not the world, to define who we are.  But, when we get our feelings hurt or someone calls us a name, it might be hard to remember who we are in Christ.  It might help to:

●      Stop and pray for the person who offended you and ask the Lord to soften your heart toward them so forgiveness can happen.

●      Ask God for protection over your own heart so you aren't so sensitive to the teasing of others. Sometimes teasing hurts, so ask the Lord to minister to your heart where you are so you don't stay stuck in that place of hurt. You want to be able to forgive, forget and move on.

●      Remember who you are in Christ and take the time to read Scripture that promises holy and righteous things for those He has called by His name. This is so healing when you feel hurt and alone!

Oh Lord Jesus! Sometimes my heart hurts because of a comment someone made about me or a label I was given falsely.  In my low moments I start to believe the worst things the world tells me about myself, and they are often not good things.  Thank You Jesus, that You saw me worthy of being redeemed.  You took the shame of the cross in my place and call me precious and honored.  I know I don't deserve that title, but I am a child of the King of Kings and worthy to be called Yours.  What a gift.  Thank You!  Amen!

© 2015 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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