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From Perfection - Encouragement Café - June 26, 2017

From Perfection
By Ramona Davis

Monday, June 26, 2017

God’s Promise – Are you so foolish?  Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?  Galatians 3:3 NKJV

A survey given to 240 fourth graders asked for their definition of the word “perfect”. Their answers reflect how their forming minds are soaking up the ways of the world.  My heart sank as I read the survey results.

This response was typical of the majority of the boys, “Perfect means doing everything exactly right”.  This is an impossible measurement for success.

This little girl’s response summed up the thoughts of almost every fourth grade girl, “Perfect means to be a saint, to never have anything wrong with their looks and to get and do everything right”.  If these young girls use this recipe for success it will be a setup for failure.

Occasionally, I joke that I am a recovering perfectionist.  I thought I was supposed to be the perfect wife, perfect mother, perfect housekeeper, perfect employee, perfect cook, perfect friend… are you tired yet, I sure was.  By God’s grace, I have been released from the impossible standards I tried to achieve.  My life was no joking matter.  I was coming apart at the seams.

The world’s view of perfect is “having no defect or flaw”.  Clearly the world is wrapping its definition of perfect around us, which will eventually mature into strongholds of bondage.

When perfectionism creeps its way into our faith, we begin to draw from our shallow pools of strength and turn our eyes away from The One who is full of grace and love. 

As we try to “measure-up” to be a perfect Christian, we become as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day.  We dismiss our own sins and failures and point our fingers at others.

We have mistakenly believed that excellence = perfection.  Coming to the end of our strength and accepting His grace for our sins and failures, we dismantle perfect standards and begin striving toward excellence. 

As we experience His immeasurable love for us, we can love others with the same grace.

The Apostle Paul teaches us the Christian view of perfect in his letters to the Colossians and the Ephesians.  It means to be complete, whole.  It is the grace of our Lord that makes us whole and complete, perfected in Him. 

However, we should strive towards excellence in spite of our failures.

Many give up the Christian walk because they believe they must live up to perfect standards.  Frustration and dissatisfaction is the result of trying to be perfect. 

The Christian walk is a lifelong process in which we learn to grow to be more like Jesus.  We accomplish this growth by a desire to excel and please Him.  This desire is born out of a true love for who Jesus is.

Are you tired and worn out from trying to cross every “t” and dot every “i”?  Are you ready to abandon “perfect” and invite “grace” and “excellence” to be your companions in your walk with Christ? 

Don’t believe the lie that you must be a perfect Christian for one more minute. Continue daily in the grace you accepted when you received Christ into your heart. 

Spend time daily in His Word and pray to continue in this love for Jesus that will make you want to please Him and do your best for Him.  Accept His grace when you fail.

One fourth grader has already learned a valuable truth:

Perfect doesn’t mean anything to me because nobody is perfect.

Ask yourself these questions and journal your answers:

In what areas of my life am I a perfectionist?
Am I willing to allow God to lead me from perfection into excellence?
How can I arrange my schedule to spend time daily in His Word and in prayer?
What definition of perfect am I teaching my children?

Set aside a specific time daily to read and pray.  Ask God to help you abandon perfection in your life and be patient as He leads you.

Jesus, forgive me for the times when I have thrown away Your grace and tried to live up to impossible standards.  Help me set aside time daily to read the Bible and to be in prayer.  Help me receive Your grace when I fail and lead me to be more and more like You. Amen

© 2017 by Ramona Davis.  All rights reserved.

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