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If You Can't Stand the Heat… - Encouragement Café - June 30, 2017

If You Can't Stand the Heat…
By Dawn Mast

Friday, June 30, 2017

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)

She was walking in the steps where I had once walked. Her doctor husband was gone for more hours than he was home and she was often alone with two children, one of whom was a baby.

She was lonely, fearful and very, very exhausted. There were even words, possibly un-said, such as, "This is NOT what I bargained for" and, "How I wish things were different." She didn't say them out loud.

I did. Once upon a time.

On most days, my life looks very much like hers except I have twice as many children and a different perspective. With twenty-five years of marriage behind us, I usually remember to run to God instead of girlfriends (I said usually).

There have been so many days of crying up and out to Him that it's an automatic response when my heart, health and home are in trouble. Even when there is no trouble, I run to Him!

But when I can help out a sister in Christ who is facing a similar crisis of faith, there is a strengthening of Spirit that happens that allows us both to nurture and mature our faith in Christ.

We sometimes need to step away from the crisis at hand together, and go to a place to pray and be renewed in our faith so we can go back and fight the battle.

Life is hard sometimes, but it's much, much harder trying to face struggles alone without the help of godly friends.

Even Jesus needed His friends to stand by Him. The Savior of the world asked His friends to be there to support and encourage Him in His darkest hour. They fell asleep (Mark 14:37 NIV)!

They could not even stay awake for Jesus in His time of need! If even Jesus needed hope, strength and encouragement, then we must to be ready to offer that for our friends and loved ones when they ask us to be there for them.

Just getting away, the act of stepping away from the conflict or drama, can be healing. The lady I was talking to just needed to get away from the stress of her home life and learn to enjoy her children again.

She needed to have a break and a breather from all the demands that seemed to settle on her shoulders. It appeared that being away from her home, sitting at our house where someone else cooked, watched the baby and just listened to her heart was healing for her.

Who needs to step away today? How can you help someone gain a new perspective in Christ?

If it's you, how will you ask Jesus to meet and minister to your needs even in the chaos that seems to have a hold on you?

What's the one thing you can place in His capable hands and allow Him to manage so you can rest?

Father God, I ask that You show me how to reach out to those who ask me to help them. Please show me what to say and do so that I reflect You. I ask that You would empty me of selfish motives and help me to be a true servant of You in all I do. May those who hurt and seek help and healing find it when they come in contact with me and may I represent You well … In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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