Encouragement Café

Wisdom for the Wait - Encouragement Café - June 6, 2016

Wisdom for the Wait
By Jill Beran

Monday, June 6, 2016

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

I just wish it was Saturday.  I’m waiting for this to all be over.

Words from my friend on Wednesday before she buried her mom on Friday.

I just can’t wait for tomorrow.  I’m so excited!

… yelled my son as he waited for a package to arrive.  He was looking forward to the good stuff a friend had put in the mail.

I thought about each of these situations and was reminded there is something we must always do while we wait.  Friend, we must take our thoughts captive…wrong thinking leads to worry and unrealistic expectations.

While my friend waited for two of the most difficult days in her life to pass I’m sure many thoughts raced through her mind.  As each one did she had to make it obedient to Christ.

I had to teach my little guy to do the same…if the favorite things he was envisioning didn’t match up with the ones his friend sent, it could lead to disappointment.

I’ve had to wait for things too and looking back this strategy would have been helpful in each situation.  In the hard waits, it would have prevented worry and more pain.  In the good waits, I could have avoided unnecessary let downs and enjoyed the experience I so greatly anticipated.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we read,

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

While we wait, many thoughts will enter our mind - sometimes ones of excitement and anticipation and at other times they’ll be thoughts related to worry, doubt and fear.  

Regardless of the thought or how it makes us feel, you and I must take it captive.  Literally that word means to take as prisoner or be confined… we must capture our thoughts while we wait or else they will run wild and result in wrong thinking, which leads to wrong behavior.

Once we do this we must make them obedient to Christ.  This will enable us to replace lies with truth, doubts with Christ confidence and fear with faith.  We will also remember regardless of the good things we are waiting for, the best is yet to come - Jesus, Himself!

What are you waiting for?  What are you doing in the wait?  What are you thinking about?  Are your thoughts running wild?  

As the day goes by do this little exercise - write down what you are waiting for and then each time you think about it, write that thought down.  As you do pause and pray.  Ask God to help you think rightly about the situation.

Heavenly Father, Your Word commands us to take every thought captive.  It sounds simple, but Lord it can be hard…especially in the wait.  I ask You for help.  Help me think clearly and rightly.  Enlighten the eyes of my heart so I’m able to see when my thinking is off and then give me the wisdom to think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable.  Fill my mind with thoughts from You Lord.  In Jesus’ Name…Amen.

© 2016 by Jill Beran.  All rights reserved.

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