Encouragement Café

I Can't Be Unhappy! I'm a Christian - Encouragement Café - March 19, 2018

I Can't Be Unhappy! I'm a Christian
By Dawn Mast

Monday, March 19, 2018

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.  And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  We write this to make our joy complete.1 John 1:3-4 NIV

It was leather and I wanted it.  I envisioned it in the living room with me sitting on it drinking coffee and I had to have it (the furniture and the coffee!)  I came home and told my husband how we needed a new couch.

I pitched to him how glorious it would be to have leather because it would be easy to clean off the dog hair, spills and, Heaven forbid, any "sickness" that got on it.  Plus, when you have a son with allergies, you must have leather furniture.  It's medically necessary!

But he said, “No!”  Flat out, no.  It didn't matter how inexpensive it was, the color or how happy I was to have found the perfect couch.

So, I became unhappy.  Royally unhappy.  I started thinking about all our used furniture and how unfair it was that I couldn't have this one new thing.

I had set my heart on one thing making me happy, so when I couldn't have it, well, then I was going to be unhappy.

It's not that I am a generally unhappy person.  Quite the opposite.  I am humorous, outgoing and most of the time quite happy.

However, when I get something in my head, I get a bit stubborn (my Mimi called it "firm in my convictions") and when a plan doesn't work out the way I desire, sometimes unhappiness sets in and takes root.

So I sat on my well used, microfiber couch and read His Word.  Over my pouty, unholy lips I saw the words,

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.  And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.  We write this to make our joy complete. 1 John 1:3-4 (NIV)

Truly, what brings me pure joy is when our home is full of people and we are fellowshipping and just enjoying being together.  The furniture and the decor are never really why folks come over.

Fellowship with other believers AND with the Father and His Son is where I find my true contentment.  His desire is to bless us, and when we do His will, we will have true happiness.

When I feel myself falling into a place of unhappiness I try and talk to Jesus.  I just flat out tell Him why my heart is so burdened with discontent.  He always understands.  Always.

Just being still and honest in His presence is helpful, healing and gives me hope when I am feeling like I've lost my joy.

Father God, I know You did not send Your Precious Son here to die so that we could be happy.  And we live in a fallen, crazy, busy world where sickness, disasters, hormones, financial woes, relationships and many, many other variables can cause us to be unhappy. 

But, if we come to You in our unhappy and discontented moments You are always faithful to show us how to be happy in You.  Your Word is filled with the hopeful message of salvation and Scriptures about joy and true peace.  Help me to rest in Your promises of joy when I sometimes get unhappy.  Thank You for always, always and forever being there when I need You!  Amen.

© 2018 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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