Encouragement Café

Safely Home - Encouragement Café - March 20, 2018

Safely Home
By Paris Renae

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 HCSB

Home can be a different image for all of us. Stop for a moment and stir up the image you long for. Maybe loved ones already gone are there. Maybe the missing gladness returns. Maybe peace reigns.

David said in Psalm 27 that he wanted only to seek God in His temple. This David had gone through much – self-imposed and other-imposed. He knew where peace and comfort was. Do you know for me, and for you, that we don’t have to move an inch?

When we call Jesus, “Savior”, we become His temple. Moment to moment, we can seek Him and He is right there. Never leaves us.

Recently, I shared a Bible with a homeless man. A bit nervous, I wanted to hand it and a little help over and move on. But he asked a question: ‘What kind of book is this?’

I stopped then, looking him in the eye, “It’s the Bible.” He sucked in a tired breath and held it to his heart, “God bless you, thank you.”

Just like that, I was undone. I thought I was blessing someone needy. And Jesus reminded me we’re all on a tired road. All homeless. But there’s good news for those who hug His Word to their heart: wherever you go, God is with you.

Homeless to homeward bound. Hopeless to full of hope. Discouraged to His courage.

Someday all these struggles will fade – and our gladness will be forever. For now, we can take heart, He is with us always.

Join me today – hug His Word to your heart? Seek Him in the temple of your heart? Find Him right there. You’re safely home.

Father, We are no more at home than the beggar on the corner or the fugitive in the refugee camp. We fool ourselves into thinking four walls house us. When the safest place we can ever be is in Your presence. Thank You for making us temples of Your Holy Spirit. Let the peace and comfort of truly not being homeless be what we share with souls lost on the way. Homeward bound, hope-full, and encouraged by You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2018 by Paris Renae, All rights reserved.

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