Encouragement Café

Perfect Peace When I Trust In Him - Encouragement Café - March 29, 2018

Perfect Peace When I Trust In Him
By Annah Matthews
Thursday, March 29, 2018

You will keep him [her] in perfect peace whose mind is fixed upon You because he [she] trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

What occupies your mind and invades your thoughts?  Often times I find that when I am lying awake at 3 a.m. with my mind racing, it is on the little things that play over and over again in my mind.

How early do I need to get up to have myself ready and three little kids dressed, fed and out of the house tomorrow?  How am I ever going to have the time to switch out kids clothing in the closets when the season changes? 

What do I need to plan for dinner this week?  How many more years do I have to plan dinners for these people that live in my house?!?

As I start to go over the endless to-do list that comes with being a wife and mother to three, I find myself uneasy, restless, and stressed.

Then the verse from Isaiah 26:3 comes to my mind.  I am reminded that my mind is not in perfect peace because I am not fixed upon the Lord nor am I trusting in Him.

I trust in myself, my abilities (or lack thereof), and my schedule and I am a mess.  As I recite this verse, the Lord reminds me that I am to fix my thoughts upon Him and trust in Him.  My worries turn into a prayer and my 3 a.m. wake-up call sounds more like this:

God You know that I have to get up to get myself and my children ready and out the door on time tomorrow.  I need Your help to accomplish this task.  Be with us in the morning and give us peace as we go throughout our day.

Lord You know that I need to find the time to switch out the kids clothes in their closets so could You help me find the time to do that and help me to be obedient to use that time wisely?

Heavenly Father, You know that I get really tired sometimes of having to take care of so much at the house from dinners to laundry to bath time and more.  

Let me be grateful for this season of life that I am in and help me to love my husband and children and to find strength and joy even in the monotony of daily life.

Now, Jesus doesn’t show up and actually do my laundry or fix my meals, but He could if He wanted.  He does, however, give me perfect peace to trust in Him and He reminds me that I am not in this alone.  He is more than willing and able to equip me to finish every good work He has placed before me.

My husband, my children and my home are gifts from Him; He has already given me the ability to accomplish good things, but I must commit to stay grounded in Him.  Be reminded that He never called or expected you or me to do life on our own.  He is our Peace and He is waiting for us to call upon His name to accomplish all that He has set before us.

The next time you feel your thoughts racing out of control and feel weary, recite Isaiah 26:3.  Turn your worries into a prayer and let the peace of God take control of your thoughts.

Thank You Lord that You desire for us to be in a deep and intimate relationship with You and that You want for us to feel peace in the midst of chaotic times.  Remind us to turn our thoughts heavenward and let our thoughts be fixed upon You.  Remind us to trust You in even the little details of life and to call upon Your name when the to-do list is too long.  You are the Peacemaker and our thoughts can rest safely in Your Hands.

© 2018 by Annah Matthews.  All rights reserved.

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