Encouragement Café

Applying the Right Stuff - Encouragement Café - May 10, 2016

Applying the Right Stuff by Dawn Mast

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

He said, If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.  Exodus 15:26 NIV

The cut on my finger wasn't healing.  After 3 days of applying a clean bandage and ointment it just wasn’t getting better.

As I went into the bathroom to prepare for bed, I faithfully selected a bandage and reached for the familiar yellow tube of ointment.  As I squeezed out a glob on my painful wound, I suddenly realized the ointment was white and not clear!  I took a moment to actually read the tube - anti-itch cream.  

Well, my finger wasn't itchy. It also wasn't healing!  After a day of the correct cream, my finger started to heal the way it needed to.

Isn't that what happens to us sometimes with the Lord and His Word?  We use it incorrectly?  Or we take a Scripture out of context and apply it to our way of thinking so we can have things the way we want them.


I do it too.  And it's convicting when He shows us this part of our hearts.  But it's also freeing when He gets rid of the ointment we've been using that isn't working and He applies His healing.  His love.  His balm.  His Son.  And we begin to have healing in our deepest wound.

Sweet friends and sisters, we need to apply the right medicine to our wounds.  Just any old ointment will not do.  He wants to heal your hurts with the only balm that will help.

Will you allow Him to do that for you today?

It's hard to admit that we have a fault, wound or sin that needs to be healed, fixed or dealt with.  But ignoring it won't make it go away.  Even what seems like the most minor sin to us, still separates us from the Lord.  He wants us to bring all of us to Him, even the broken, not so nice parts so He can wash us clean and use us for His glory.  Ask Him today what you can offer up to Him to be restored and redeemed.

Father God, You love me enough to take me just as I am.  What a gorgeous gift that is!  Even though there are many, many things in my heart that need healing, I still know that You love me and call me Your child.  Please, take those things You see in me that are not of You and remove or redeem them for Your glory.  Thank You for always knowing what is best for me and for loving me through my flaws.  Amen.

© 2015 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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