Encouragement Café

Rooting Our Identity in Christ - Encouragement Café - May 23, 2016

Rooting Our Identity In Christ
By Colleen Young

Monday, May 23, 2016

For we are God’s masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.  Ephesians 2:10 NLT

It was a humbling time.  At the cost of a choice made by someone close to me, I had to step away from some roles that were very dear to me.  I held a leadership position that brought a lot of recognition and was something I became very possessive over.

In hindsight, I desperately needed to step away from it.  And, because of one person’s decision, I didn’t have a choice.  Without this role, I felt like I had no identity; no value.  People associated me with this role, and without it, I felt lost.

For the first time, I was challenged to examine my life, my heart, and what I allowed to define me.  Through this self-examination, I came to the realization that I allowed my titles and successes therein to define who I was and it ultimately became an idol in my life.  

But God was leading me to a place where my identity and my value needed to be rooted solely in Him.

Through the pain of disappointment, God opened the eyes of my heart to see who I truly was.  What did I discover?

●      I am the Lord’s masterpiece; His prized possession.

●      The Lord has created me to do specific work for His kingdom.  Even though this specific title was taken from me, this didn’t mean that God’s purpose for me was erased.

●      Nothing can strip me from being a daughter of God.  I am sealed by the Holy Spirit.

We are sisters, daughters, mothers, wives, teachers, nurses, business women, and the list goes on.  If we place our stock in these titles, we are bound for disappointment.  

However, when we place our security and worth in our Heavenly Father, our reflection changes.  We see Him in us.  We see ourselves as women covered in grace and deeply loved by a God that values us above all creation.

You are valued.  You are loved.  Meditate on a promise of God this week as uncertainties, doubts, and disappointment try to creep in.  Use this verse as your weapon.  Friend, you’ve got this!

Heavenly Father, illuminate our hearts this week to who we are in You.  May we find our true identity rooted in Your promises and not in the titles or roles we have.  And when failure arises, may we remember that You have created us to accomplish specific work for Your kingdom.  Thank You for covering us in Your grace.  Amen.

© 2016 by Colleen Young.  All rights reserved.

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