Encouragement Café

His Powerful Word - Encouragement Café - May 4, 2017

His Powerful Word
By Jill Rindfuss

Thursday, May 4, 2017

God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what. Hebrews 4:12-14 MSG

“Let’s get together soon.”

“I’ll call this week to see how I can help.”

“I’ll pray for you.”

We’ve all said these or similar things and while our intentions are often good, we are just a people who rarely follow through.  There was a time when loans were extended on a handshake or a verbal commitment.

That was back when a person’s ‘word’ held more value… far more than even their possessions. But now our world is saturated with empty promises and twisted phrasing.

It is no wonder why many of us have grown cynical or have stopped believing anything we hear, at all!

But this is not the way God intended it to be… it is not the way His Kingdom works.  Because we live in a world where many words are spoken and very few are meant, it is difficult for us to truly understand we have the God described in Hebrews 4.

When our God speaks, it is so.  His words release life and action.  Nothing can stop Him from speaking or His spoken words from coming to fruition.  Nothing.

What He says goes and nothing is impervious to it.  Can you imagine such a reality?  It is a reality of the Kingdom.

Because God only says what He means, that sometimes results in Him not saying anything at all.  When our dialogue with Him goes quiet, instead of being frustrated or allowing doubt and offense to take root, meditate on the power and purposefulness of His words.

Maybe it’s not the right time… maybe He’s waiting for us to respond to a previous word He has already given… maybe He’s wanting us to press into Him further.

In any case, this text encourages us that in spite of our doubt and defense (which by the way, He knows we have) His words cut through everything.

If we are seeking Him, when it is time for Him to speak, nothing will stop Him from doing so; and when revelation finally comes, we can be sure it will release life and action into every circumstance!

Do we value His words as if they were life or death to us?

Do we believe that what He says to us is not only true, but it is intentional and full of purpose for our life?

Will we commit to daily reading His Word and/or seek Him for a newly spoken Word into our life?

Father, we are so thankful You have something to say and that You speak to us!  Open our ears to hear and our eyes to see Your Glory!  Help us to be open to listen and to obey Your words… not because You are a God of rules, but because You love us and speak wisdom and life into our brokenness.  We are desperate for You!  Come and bring revelation into our world.  Thank You, Jesus!  Amen, Amen!

© 2017 by Jill Rindfuss. All rights reserved.

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