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Spiritual Miracle-Gro - Encouragement Café - November 22, 2016


Spiritual Miracle-Gro
By Carolyn Dale Newell
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.  1 Timothy 6:11 NKJV

Day after day, I checked my inbox every few minutes.  Opening my mail app, hearing the familiar ding, only to find it was not the email I had anticipated.  My heart thumped with the stress and excitement of publishing another book.  The need-to-know concerning certain details had overwhelmed me.

Was it not enough that God knew? Could I not trust His plans without having the information ASAP?

Impatience had taken over, much like the weeds in my flower garden.  If a dose of spiritual Miracle-Gro could jump-start my ability to sit tight, I would gladly apply it, or would I?

Had I lost all self-control?  Was I walking in the flesh rather than the Spirit?

My need-to-know was actually my need to control the situation.  But God is in control.  I should have trusted His plans and His timing.

We can rest while waiting, or we can wrestle with waiting.  A patient wait will be peaceful, but an inpatient one will be filled with panic.  We can choose how we spend our time.  Hours of continual worry quickly become days of agony.

Would it not be better to linger in Scripture allowing God’s peace to calm our troubled hearts and minds?

Our focal verse commands us to pursue patience.  It should be sought after like a thirsty man seeks a glass of cold water.

Perhaps you can identify with my fleshly desire to have all the answers immediately.  Possibly, your struggles are more serious.  You may be longing to hear test results.  You may be looking forward to the day when a terrible situation will be a memory.

Whatever it is that we are waiting for, let’s determine to do it God’s way: calmly trusting in His timing.  Every time - God is right on time.

Read Galatians 5:17-25.  Verse 24 speaks of crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires.  That includes impatience, but it requires a daily crucifixion of the flesh.  Follow the Spirit’s lead into the fragrant garden of patience today.

Holy Spirit, patience is one of Your fruits.  Plant within me the ability to wait it out in a manner which brings glory to God.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

© 2016 by Carolyn Dale Newell All rights reserved.

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