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Prep School - Encouragement Café - October 19, 2016


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Prep School
By Paris Renae
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

…that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  Colossians 2:2b-3 NIV

I remember Algebra.  At first I thought I was doomed.  I would never catch on.  I would never go past ninth grade.  

Then suddenly the light came on.  Thanks to a teacher who didn’t give up on me.

Still, I would do homework that never seemed to end and I would ask my parents over and over again

What is the point?  I will never use this in real life.  Why do I have to learn this?

For some, it might be history class or language arts.  We’ve all questioned and asked

Why do I need to learn this?

As parents we smile knowing that someday our children will be glad they learned the lessons, grasped the concepts, and did indeed finish their education.

I think our heavenly Father is smiling down just the same.  We go through the school of life crying out:

Why do I have to go through this?  How can I possibly use this in my life?  What is the point of all the ups and downs?

All wisdom and knowledge – treasures – are in hidden in Christ.  With each passing life lesson, we unlock a treasure chest.  The depth of the riches inside grows deeper as our wisdom is increased and our knowledge of truth is confirmed.

How does a child learn the stove is hot or the razor is sharp?  How does a baby believer learn that Jesus will never leave them, never forsake them?

1Peter 1:6-9 tells us,

though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that your faith… may be proved genuine… for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Life is prep school.  Though we may not raise our hand when the storms come, if we raise it when salvation is offered then our faith is only proved genuine as we walk hand in hand with our teacher, our Savior, Jesus Christ - in both good and difficult times.  

He is a teacher who doesn’t give up on us!

As believers, we start out as toddlers, working our way into the pre-school of faith, moving through the years into grade school and beyond.  Only in this life, we will never be finished.  Our learning is lifelong but the graduation ceremony can’t be matched.  

Persevere, there is a point to all the lessons.

O, Father, there is much to be learned as we sojourn on this earth.  Sometimes we just want to skip the lessons and move on to the reward.  But as our own children are only advanced as they learn their lessons, so it is with us.  Teach us so that we may gain a heart of wisdom to use in this life and a soul filled with truth for all eternity.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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