Encouragement Café

Trusting God to Provide - Encouragement Café - October 24, 2016

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Trusting God To Provide
By Allison Herrin
Monday, October 24, 2016

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ JesusPhilippians 4:19 NIV

The image will forever be etched in my mind.  We were sitting in the parking lot of the gas station, digging for money in the ashtray; ripping the car apart hopeful we would find enough money for our purchase.  My son needed a 20oz. plastic Coke bottle for a science fair project and I didn’t have a dime to spare.

I couldn’t believe my life had come to this.  I had been a single parent for several years and my paycheck wasn’t nearly enough to make ends meet.  My ex-husband had long since quit paying child support but I had to keep going; keep surviving.

My family needed provision.

I walked through the door of the gas station my face stained with tears and swollen from sobbing at the thought of what was happening.

Was I really going in to ask for a Coke on credit? 

I would promise to come back next week and pay.  The clerk immediately noticed my anguish and came over to console me, pulling money out of her own pocket to pay for my Coke.  I went back to the car, cried some more and prayed.

God, why can’t things be different?  Why can’t their dad just pay child support and things would be fine? 

I very clearly heard God say in that still small voice

Their dad is not your provider, I am.

What?  Then why aren’t you providing? 

I just did, didn’t I?

What God taught me that day was the crazy unpredictable nature of His provision.  While his provision is always certain, His ways are not.  His word says…

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD”.  Isaiah 55:8 NIV

He taught me that day, that to depend on anyone else for my family’s needs was a hindrance to my trust in Him.  If He wanted to provide for my family in that season through other people then I needed to trust Him for that.

It was really kind of crazy.  God was showing me that my provision comes from Him and not others, yet He was providing for me through other people.  Unpredictable to say the least.

You see, I had spent so much time blaming my ex-husband for our predicament.  And while he has a responsibility as a father, God can choose to provide for my family in whatever way He sees fit… with or without help from others; with or without a paycheck; with or without child support.

I either choose to trust Him or I don’t.

No matter what financial situation you find yourself in today, no matter how many people owe you, no matter how high your bills are stacking up we have to trust God to provide.  But we can’t just trust, we have to seek His ways.

He doesn’t provide so that we can be irresponsible or not give Him glory in the provision.  Hebrews 11:6 says that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him so I urge you to read His word, find out what more He says about your finances and then follow.  Then watch how He diligently rewards.

Lord, thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh, Our God that provides!  Help us to find You in the midst of struggle and use our struggles to bring You glory.  We thank You that You work out all things for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.  In Jesus name, Amen!

© 2016 by Allison Herrin.  All rights reserved.

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