Encouragement Café

Out With the Old, In With the New - Encouragement Café - October 28, 2016


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Out With the Old, In With the New
By Savannah Parvu
Friday, October 28, 2016

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here.  2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

It’s too late for me to change the way I am now.

Have you heard that statement before?

How about…

I can’t do that because of the things that I’ve done in the past

…sound familiar?

I can relate to both of those statements and I am sure you can too. 

There is nothing that Satan loves more than to make us believe lies.  All too often when I am sharing the love of Christ with someone, they communicate to me that it’s too late for them to give their life to the Lord because of what they’ve done in the past.

Christians tend to get caught up in those statements too.  Although they have accepted Christ as the savior they tend to compare their past with others to see if they measure up.

The good news is that we don’t have to measure up.  Everyone has a past and God is going to use it for His glory.  Both the good and yes, even the bad.

We can’t change the things that happened in the past.  It will always be there, but it doesn’t have to define who we are.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if you are in Christ, you are a NEW Creation.  The old has gone, the New has come! 

When we give our life to the Lord He wipes the slate clean and allows us to start fresh.

When Satan whispers, Remember when… don’t forget the old has gone, in Christ you have been made new!

Father, thank You for loving us so much.  We don’t deserve all that You have given us.  Thank You for allowing us to start fresh when we come to know You as our personal Lord and Savior.  Help us to remember that the past is the past and it’s not who we are.  Give us the confidence we need to stand for You.  Amen

© 2016 by Savannah Parvu.  All rights reserved.

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