Encouragement Café

A New Understanding - Encouragement Café - October 6, 2016

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A New Understanding
By Kelly Jones
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4 ESV

Desires of our hearts!

Without question one of my greatest desires growing up was to be a Mom, and I felt strongly that the desire was from Him.  I remember in high school being faced with what career I would choose.  Some of the choices sounded good, but all of them were just a Plan B, or a "filler" until I reached my true calling.

I completed college, got married, went into teaching, and then the time came to fulfill this long-awaited desire and add children to our family!  Months passed, a year passed... no kids.

Confusion, sadness, and hey, what about Psalm 37:4 where He says that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts?

God used many different voices and circumstances in my life to teach me more about Himself through that foggy period in my life.

One of the truths was to change my understanding of that verse.  I can't even say for sure, but I think it was Beth Moore who brought the distinction front and center.  I had always read that verse with the list of desires already in mind.  All I had to do to receive those desires was to delight myself in the Lord.

I loved Him!  Why was He not granting my desires?  Why not? 

He was waiting for me to lay down the list and delight myself in Him.  He wanted me to delight myself in Him and then He would actually give me the desires, as in write the list for me!

I realized that I had wanted Him to grant my desires, not decide my desires for me.

As my desires shifted from the list I had made to the One who knew what desires I needed to best accomplish His purposes in me, He moved us from being resolved to bring our own biological children into the world to a having hearts that were open and excited about adoption.

Seven years since that turning point, I am so grateful!

Are you consumed by any desires that have not been given to you by God?  Do you desire Him above everything else?

Father, thank You that You are trustworthy!  Whether our lives look like we think they should or not, help us to fix our eyes on You and to delight in You.  Thank You for Your deep love for us and for wanting to use us for Your kingdom in our short time on this earth.  Give our children hearts that are tender toward You.  Draw them to Yourself and give us wisdom as we lead them to a trusting relationship with You.

© 2016 by Kelly Jones.  All rights reserved.

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