Encouragement Café

Hold Please - Encouragement Café - September 12, 2016

Encouragement Café is on the road this fall featuring dynamic speakers, painters, and award-winning worship artists.  Tickets on sale now.  

For a full event lineup visit us at encouragementcafe.com/events2016.

Hold Please
By Paris Renae
Monday, September 12, 2016

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.  Romans 8:25 NIV

When my husband and I were in the first couple of years of our marriage, we read a book called Opposites Attack.  It was humorous and such a good book for the two of us.  Though soul mates, we had some very different ideas about certain things.  One of those was being on time.

I was the punctual one.  Show up five minutes early meant on time to me.  He was on his own clock.  Five minutes (or more) after, was still in the realm of acceptable.  I’m just not a wait-er.

Yet there are many things in this life that keep us waiting.  Usually hard things.  When we’re young it can be waiting for the right job, the right husband.  As we grow older it can be waiting for a child to heal, a parent to recover, a financial mess to turn around.

May in south Florida means it’s time to replant pots and garden with items that can take the sweltering heat and humidity.  Actually what it really means is, we were supposed to have started some of those heat-tolerant beauties like sunflowers and lantanas back in March so they would be ready to go in the garden now.  But that means planting ahead and then waiting.  I’m not a patient gardener either.

But it’s when seeds are buried deep in the dark cloak of earth being nourished, that they are gaining their strength and readying themselves for life.  That’s like us in those waiting times, we must bury ourselves in Jesus – reading the Word, praying, trusting, readying ourselves and gaining the strength we will need.

The strength we gain during this preparation time is not ours.  In our own strength, we will always come up short.

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.  Psalm 105:4 NIV

Always equals all-ways.  At every turn look to Him, His strength, seek the face of the One who tenderly cups yours and says ‘you are loved, wait on Me’.

Oh sometimes in the waiting not only does my strength get zapped, but I so want to take hold of the situation and do it my way.  Instead, let’s start small.

Today when that impatience wants to take over, let’s stop, look up and seek His face.  When we say, I can’t any longer let’s acknowledge how true that is and take just five minutes out in the Word of the One who can.  Trust comes one small step at a time, each building on the last step of faith.

Oh Father, we live in an impatient world.  We have come to expect instant everything.  Help us remember that in Your time all things are made beautiful.  As we wait, Lord give us Your strength for each moment.  Build our trust as we faith walk.  Nurture in us hearts that turn to You first.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Paris at livingbraver.wordpress.comor parisrenae.wordpress.com.

© 2016 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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