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Beaming While I Balance - Encouragement Café - September 13, 2017

Beaming While I Balance
By Dawn Mast

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:33 NIV

Something felt “off”. I was rushing around trying to get out the door and everyone where they needed to be on time (which is not my Spiritual gift!) and I was doing about five things all at once.

As I pulled out of the driveway, I did a mental checklist: I’d turned off the stove, the dogs had been let out one last time and I hadn’t forgotten anyone at home. So, why did I feel that something was tugging at my hurried, frenzied mind.        

Then, something caught my eye as I was pulling up the driveway.                                           

I was wearing my slippers.

And I had taken warm laundry out of the dryer and for some reason it was in my lap. As I was driving. Maybe I needed to slow down. Perhaps the tears I started to shed were from just being stretched way too thin.

Also, the scene was a tad funny. But, mostly it was telling me I was underwater and not swimming well.

What can we do? Life is busy! Even people who have purposed to simplify and pare down find themselves frantic, frazzled and frustrated by traffic, long lines at the store, schedule glitches and sickness. It’s what happens when you are alive, life is busy and you just need to get stuff done.

Jesus was busy. Tremendously so. But He never seemed overwhelmed to the point of stress or saying snippy things to those around Him. I really, absolutely need His example!

It’s fascinating how often Jesus was surrounded by a crowd. Matthew 4:25 tells us that, “Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed Him.” This was certainly more than just a few people!

In Matthew 8:1 we see, “When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him.” Just a bit later in verse 18, we see, “When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake.”

His solution to stress was to sit in the presence of His Father. Simple quiet time where He could pour out His heart, revive His soul and rest His weary Spirit.

Crowds can bring noise, stress and confusion. So many people in such a tight space can make you feel un-balanced and just grumpy!

Yet, Jesus was with crowds often. They pushed against one another and pressed into him for healing. They called out his name, followed him wherever he went and gave him little privacy. But Our Savior stayed calm and balanced. How?

He retreated to the Father. He stole away to a solitary place and spent time with God. (Mark 1:35 NIV)

My day, that was such a frazzled mess, was missing some key things; organization, appropriate footwear and most importantly, time with the Lord. I needed to just spend some time resting in Him and knowing that He would balance out where I felt tilted.

Some days, it’s hard to balance everything, but we don’t have to. The Lord coordinates our day when we hand it to Him first thing in the morning and no matter how we get pushed, pulled or jostled, He is the best crowd control.

What feels unbalanced to you today? Is there something causing you to feel you are drowning in a crowd and there’s no escape? Just breathe in the peace of Jesus and know He sees you. He has your day in His hands and as you pray and let go of what has you frazzled, He will give your mind rest. Trust Him with your day and have a great one!

Father God, You made today and it’s Yours. I may feel that parts of my day are hectic and overwhelming, but You can handle anything! I trust You to take all of this day and use it for Your glory. Thank You for knowing just what is needed for today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

© 2017 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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