Encouragement Café

Monsters in the Mind - Encouragement Café - September 20, 2016

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Monsters in the Mind
By Judy Fussell
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Do not be conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2 NIV

Have you ever been paralyzed by thoughts of “What If”?

There are powerful repercussions of dwelling there.

A mind allowed to roam free can dream big and find reason for high hopes.  There is also a flip side to this.  It can also imagine all sorts of catastrophes, scenarios and problems that might possibly occur in the future.

When making a choice to dwell on “what if,” life’s dark and gloomy side is forever lurking near.  This leads to a snare that quickly imprisons and can hold one captive.

This choice to dwell on “what if” steals the possibilities from today and swallows all its joy!

“What if” will not allow risk taking or leaving a comfort zone.  It says, “Oh no, you might fail.  It cannot be.”  “What if” makes one fearful.  It causes worry which leads to weariness!

“Mister Might Have Been” is also a little monster that can have his time to play if one is not careful.  He says “if only”! This creates a focus on past hurts and situations that may have been painful or on mistakes that crippled for a time.  This trap also has a paralyzing effect and can keep us frozen in the past.

As Christians, however, we have keys to unlock these prison walls and free us from the devastating effects of bondage.  They are found right in the heart of God on the pages of Scripture.

God’s Word, penned in love, gives us freedom in Christ.  He has made a way to protect and allow us to be everything we were meant to be in Him.

We are told in Scripture to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  This is a daily process.  When we feed upon God’s Word, let it rain into our hearts, trust in its Truth, and rely on the Holy Spirit’s power source, we can triumphantly face today.

Today is where we find His sufficient grace.  We can know God has our back and is walking before us, preparing tomorrow’s path.

Immerse yourself in God’s love.  He cares for you.  Don’t let “what if” or “if only” defraud, cheat and steal your hopes, dreams and talents.  Trust and faith are companions to take with you every day.

Meditate on God’s Word.  Allow its Truth to indwell you.  Replace your thoughts with God’s Truth.

God’s desire is to free our minds and transform us into His likeness.  As we serve and are transformed by His Truth, His glory can then be seen in us and reflected into our world.

Please read 2 Corinthians 2:18.

Father, Your Word is a letter of love.  It is a lamp to guide our way.  Impress upon us a desire to feed upon it daily.  Your Holy Spirit is our promised Teacher.  For just as our physical bodies must have sustenance for energy and strength, we must also be renewed spiritually in order to know and overcome obstacles blocking true peace and joy in You.  In Christ’s name, Amen.

© 2016 by Judy Fussell. All rights reserved.

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