Encouragement Café

The Blame Game - Encouragement Café - June 8

The Blame Game
By Judy Fussell

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11

Have you ever laughed hysterically at videos where children have been caught red-handed engaged in some sort of mischievous behavior? Once discovered, they look like deer caught in headlights! When questioned, it’s especially funny, as each guilty one points to the other in hopes of escaping the consequence for their little escapade! This indeed is childish behavior.

Unfortunately, in our world today, we have adults acting with the same “sandbox” mentality. Politicians especially like to blame and point fingers at the other party for problems in our society. Teachers are blamed for a student’s poor grade. Adult children blame parents for their own poor choices and some even blame God when life appears unfair. I’m sure you can think of many other examples as this detrimental behavior escalates around us. 

Nothing positive can ever come from shifting blame onto others as a means of excusing ourselves. There always comes a time when accountability and consequences meet. In order to affect positive change, it’s vital to accept responsibility for our own personal choices, thoughts, and behavior.

God’s Word provides examples of blame-shifting and its consequences.  In Genesis 3, we find Adam and Eve in a discussion with God after they have disobeyed his specific instructions to them.  Notice how Eve blamed the serpent for her disobedience. Adam blamed Eve and ultimately insinuated that God was at fault for giving him Eve in the first place. Each was guilty, but each tried to justify their guilt by placing it elsewhere. Both were punished as a result of their own personal choice to disobey God. The blame game solved nothing for them and never will for us either.

God’s Word is clear that all of us are sinners and for that sin, the consequence is death. (Romans 3:23) One day we will stand alone before the judgment seat of Christ to give our own personal account. (2 Corinthians 5:10) The Word also proclaims that none will be without excuse. (Romans 1:20) Scripture specifically warns about passing judgment on others. (Romans 2:1-29; Matthew 7:3-5)  Instead, we are told to allow God to search our hearts and to show us anything that offends him and leads us astray. (Psalm 139:23-24

People, unlike God, love to point fingers, dredge up garbage from the past and use it to destroy others. This is evil that the Lord abhors. With God is perfect love and that love is in the person of Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus into this world not to condemn but to save it. (John 3:17) Only Christ, when we acknowledge and repent of our sin, can save. In Christ is freedom as our repented sins are wiped away and we receive a second chance. Our only hope as people is a personal relationship with the One who mercifully rescued us and gives abundant life

Others may attempt to use our past to shame, blame and condemn us, but never God. Sometimes, we ourselves can’t forget, and our own thoughts keep us in a cycle of defeat. Meditate on the following scriptures as you let His healing words speak to your heart. 

Romans 8:1-2 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the Law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” 

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

My life, choices, actions, and consequences are between you and me, God. Please forgive me when I point a finger at others in an attempt to place blame or judge. It’s childish and so much easier than taking a real assessment of myself before you. Thank you that my cry for mercy has reached your ears, and Christ made my redemption possible. Keep me in your care and within your Spirit’s power. Let me be ever mindful of your guiding Truth; for your love, Lord, is unfailing.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

“Shaming, accusing, or blaming is simply not how God talks.” Richard Royer

Listen to Mercy Me and let the words and music of Greater encourage your heart.

© 2021 by Judy Fussell.  All rights reserved

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