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My Teenage Heart - Encouragement Café - September 8

My Teenage Heart
By Linda Gray

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 28:13 ESV

Thanks to Youtube, I am now able to watch music videos, concert segments, and interviews of my favorite group I adored as a young teen.  I won’t use their name but they were “Five fab, tartan plaid-clad lads” from Edinburgh, Scotland. And every week my fickle heart chose a different band member to crush on. My every cent went to teen mags and albums.  I even attended a live concert in 1977.  Be still my heart! 

What was their appeal?  Their intriguing accents? Musical talent? Outfits that all true fans copied and wore at concerts?

For me, I believe it was their cute, fresh-faced, wholesome persona.  I was a Christian after all and didn’t want to pledge my undying devotion to a group known for drinking, drug abuse, and an immoral lifestyle.

But as time went on, they seemed to fade in popularity and I went from a young teen to adulthood.  I had all but forgotten about those heartthrobs who sang all their love songs “to me.”

So, fast-forward 40+ years later and something brought them to mind.  I think I heard one of their songs on an oldies station.  Could it be that the music I loved as a kid was now considered “oldies?” 

Of course I searched Youtube and googled. Not only were there videos of their early years but recent reunion concert segments.   To my surprise, that just like me they had aged. Gone were their lean physiques.  Their once luxurious hair was either gone or mostly gray. Their smooth voices tainted with age and nicotine.  My heart sank a little.

But what truly broke my heart was to learn that underneath their boy-next-door image was a darker side.  Milk wasn’t their only drink of choice.  They depended on speed sometimes to get them through their manic schedule. I don’t even have to mention groupies. I was even saddened by the years that had passed between then and now. Stints in rehab, adultery, and alcoholism were also a part of their history.

I realize that they aren’t believers (is it strange that I even pray for them to hear of Christ?). They are going to behave as non-believers do.

So as believers, what can we take from this? A few things.  Anything that takes attention away from God is idolatry. Our eyes must be focused on Christ.  Man will disappoint.  I can pretend all day that I am a righteous person.  But if there is hidden, unconfessed sin in my life it will eventually be revealed.  And it won’t be pretty. 

Think about David and his sin with Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 11-12 covers this story and spares little detail. Psalm 51 reveals David’s heart-wrenching confession and search for God’s forgiveness.

If you’re like me, you’re glad God’s Word includes the bad and ugly of what we would see as “Heroes of the Faith.” We take comfort in knowing that not only were these men and women forgiven of sin they confessed, but restored to a right relationship with God. 

Father, I come to you to confess all my sin.  Reveal to me what’s hidden.  Help me to keep my focus on You.  May my devotion be to You and You alone. Amen.

© 2021 by Linda Gray.  All rights reserved.

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