Encouragement Café

Fearless - Encouragement Café - March 31

 By Tracy Goodwin

Fear not, For I am with you. Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)

It looks like a war zone on our grocery shelves.  School has been cancelled for a week and next week is spring break (Lord, help me!).  Trips are cancelled.  Church attendance is down.  I live in an area with confirmed cases.  At first glance, there is every reason to be nauseous with fear.  However, there is a difference between acting out of your fear rather than what you know to be truth.  Biblical truth to be exact.

This virus is something we should all be aware of and cautious about.  We should not stop living our lives.  We know who holds our future.  “Fear not, for I am with you.  Be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

We are not called to fear.  We are called to rise above it.  We can rest secure because we know who holds our futures.  We are all in this together.  I am not going to be the one at the grocery store buying 100 rolls of toilet paper and all the hand sanitizer my car can hold.  I will be there buying what I need for my family.  As a people, we have been through many crises together.  We always come out stronger when we stay united and rest on the full power of Christ.  This is the same God who parted the seas for His people and made friends of lions and Daniel.  He never changes.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Hold tight and do not be discouraged.  Take care of your neighbor, check on your friends and family.  Offer support in whatever way possible.  If someone you know is sick, leave food on their doorstep and share what you have to give.  When we begin to take care of others, and stop hoarding for ourselves, we will see a shift from panic to peace in our communities. 

My immune system is heavily suppressed because I am a heart transplant patient.  Being informed and aware is something I am very familiar with. The winds of change in the health of our world are blowing all around us right now, and new information comes out seemingly hourly.   It can be overwhelming.  But I take comfort because there is a greater truth I hold on to:  my security is not found in which direction the wind is blowing, but rather who is blowing the wind.

Lord, we love You and hold tight to You in sunshine and storms.  You love us through it all.   In good and bad, You are in control – we only need to keep our eyes on You.  Help us to see opportunities to love our neighbor and show Your love.  Help us to bring peace in a turbulent time by being an example of Your caring nature.  May You be praised in all!  Amen

For more encouragement, visit Tracy at Psalm91Life.com 

© 2020 by Tracy Goodwin. All rights reserved.

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