Encouragement Café

Follow My Lead - Encouragement Café - October 4, 2017

Follow My Lead
By Paris Renae

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” Galatians 5:25 NLT

Sometimes we walk along the days seemingly not missing a step. The laundry all done, tummies all fed, errands all accomplished. No applause was given, but it was a good day.

Sometimes we stumble along, things just go wrong. We burn the meat and there’s no substitute. We forget the baseball game and he was supposed to pitch. And we’re reminded the last time this happened and what’s wrong with us anyway? It was a bad day.

But wait – wasn’t it the same as the one before? A few glitches to be sure, but the same God resides in our hearts. We have no less of His love, no more of His grace. For He has given it all and we have a treasure full.

What about the really bad days – when answers at doctor’s offices aren’t ok, when the person at the door looks grim, when we can’t put one foot in front of the other?

God doesn’t say He only shows up when we shine and in the good news. He says that the precious Holy Spirit we get when we say ‘Jesus I’m Yours’, is leading us inevery part of our life.

The question is this – will we follow?

When I am lost in the ‘fix it now’ and ‘where are You’ and ‘why me or why now’ – (til our dying day I guess we will succumb to these, though we know better) - it is then I most often find the way.

‘Come follow Me’ – this is not about us, this is about kingdom come.

How can we use this day – full of good or bad – to add to the kingdom those who’ve not yet found it? I think souls find their way when they see our hope.

“Hope is our bread, hope is the only way we keep living, hope is what we dance to, believing the music will someday soon begin.” (Ann Voskamp)

That is how we follow His lead, one hope-full step at a time.

Father, When we are most vulnerable seems to be when we can actually hear Your call to our hearts. Our hope is not in our abilities or on any earthly thing. For those will fail. Our hope is in You, our constant, our source of strength when we have none. Help us Lord, to live in this amazing hope so that others will see and will follow Your lead as well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

© 2017 by Paris Renae, All rights reserved.

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