<< Encouragement Café

Forgetting the Sabbath - Encouragement Café - September 10, 2014

Forgetting the Sabbath

Café Menu for Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Carefully prepared for you by your friend, Stephanie Davis

Today’s Special Is: Delegated by God or Distractions Authored by Satan

Main Ingredient:

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath for the Lord your God…

Exodus 20:8-10a ESV


Does this not just blow your mind?! Yes, I know He’s God and that NOTHING is impossible for Him, but seriously think about it. Imagine this place as it was before God spoke.

The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Genesis 1:2 ESV

Now read Genesis 1:3-Genessi 2:3.

God creating the very foundation for what we now see in just six short days is amazing, and the fact that He still was able to set aside a time to rest, relax and truly enjoy all that He had accomplished is nothing short of a miracle; especially in this day and time.

Our time is a precious and priceless commodity, and for most of us rest is a luxury we simply can’t afford. However, we are told in Psalms 46:10 to be still… and know that HE is GOD.

Be still. Be STILL! You can’t be serious! With my schedule Lord, I don’t have time to be still.

The kids have to go to school. They have to be fed, and my husband has to have his beets, carrots and spinach. Meanwhile the fridge is empty. Clothes are spilling out the laundry room door. My flowers outside are displaying the effects of too many sun-scorched days. The obviously malnourished birds and squirrels continue to hang from the empty feeders. Not to mention my littlest one turns five tomorrow, and we must celebrate. So there are errands to run, balloons to blow up, cupcakes to bake, and gifts to wrap. And You want me to be still…

HOW?! How can I be still and still get done everything that needs to be done?

Take Out:

Are the duties that fill my day delegated by God or are they distractions authored by Satan?

God knew long ago before time began what events would fill our days, and how we would spend our time here on this earth. He knew each and every distraction Satan would send our way, and He wants us to succeed in fulfilling our God given duty.

Look for His fingerprints on the surface of the creation that surrounds you. Listen for His voice on the lips of those you interact with. Watch for the evidence of His presence in your life as you move about your day. Live with intention and purpose, seeking Him at all cost… and once He reveals Himself to you, and I promise you He will show Himself…

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 ESV

Stop and rest there… BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD… and devote that time, however long or short, to only worshipping Him!


Sweet Lord, as I come to You today, I pause…

I ask that You would still my mind, body and soul. Let me simply sit in Your presence and worship You, not for what You have done, or what You will do, but for Who You are. You are God! The One and Only, True and Living God and You are certainly worthy of my time and my talents. Lord, I pray that You will forgive me for withholding that which belongs to You. Forgive me for selfishly pouring my life out at the feet of everyone else, and then offering You whatever I have left over. I pray that You would open my eyes so that they may clearly see that which is Your assignment and Satan’s distraction. Let the author of each task be obvious. Give me the strength and the wisdom to eliminate anything not issued by You, so that my time may be spent with my soul resting in the peace of Your presence. For it is in the mighty name of Jesus I pray, amen.

© 2014 by Stephanie Davis. All rights reserved.

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