Encouragement Café

Freedom in Forgiveness - Encouragement Café - December 8, 2015

Freedom in Forgiveness

Today’s Special is:  Forgiving even if I don't Forget

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Mast

Main Ingredient:
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV

It wasn't about me.  It felt like it was about me, but it wasn't about me.  

Do you know that feeling?  

Someone lashes out and says really hurtful things and you have Jesus in your heart so you don't say hurtful things in return (maybe?).  So you stand there and absorb someone else's pain and wounded anger.  Then, you remember it's not about you.

Those moments are hard and painful and we are called to forgive.


Nope.  Not me.  Not after what they said.  No way.

For if you forgive men (and women!) when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men (and, yes, the women!) their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:14

The Greek translation of "forgive" gives us a picture of how to forgive someone.  Kaphar means to purge/pitch.  Haul away.  Anything that stands as a hurdle in a relationship.  

Have you ever cleaned out a closet and purged all the stuff you didn't need?  Remember that clean feeling afterward?  

THAT is kinda how forgiveness feels when you let go and forgive someone who has hurt you.  You can give it to The Lord, purge it to Him and feel free and clean! 

I understand!  

I know you feel lousy and stuck.  Those bags you pick up and carry every day are so heavy.  Lay it at the cross and walk away.  HE forgave all the things you've ever done and will continue to do.  For your health, for the sake of your earthly relationships and for the prosperity of your walk with the Lord, forgive.

If we are to be like Christ, we really do need to forgive.  It's not easy, or much fun, but it's necessary.  So sometimes, it is about us.  It's about us getting right with the Lord and walking out His ways by forgiving.  You can do this!

Take Out:
This forgives business is hard work.  It takes time, effort and some patience.  

If you need to forgive someone and the situation is just too painful, or the person is just a prickly personality try to pray for them.  Just asking God to be with that person will soften your heart toward them and you will be in a better place to forgive at some point.  

The Lord will intervene.  Trust Him!

Father God, someone hurt me.  You know what they did.  I feel if I forgive, they get away unpunished and I still have this hurt and anger.  Please help me!  Take this "yuck" from my soul and give me You.  The You that heals, soothes and redeems where there has been hurt.  I need to forgive and I need Your help.  Amen!

© 2015 by Dawn Mast.  All rights reserved.

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