Encouragement Café

God Can’t Resist Blowing Bubbles - Encouragement Café - July 17, 2014

God Can’t Resist Blowing Bubbles

Café Menu for Thursday, July 17, 2014

Today’s Special is: Glorious Joy

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Aldrich

Main Ingredient:

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.

1 Peter 1:8 NIV


Perch a kid above a tall glass of cold milk with a straw and what happens? An irresistible urge to blow bubbles!

He heaves a tiny breath and blows.



Blub, blub.

He giggles, blows harder.

Blub, blub, blub.

Joy overwhelms!

He can't resist those rising bubbles so, he blows harder.

Blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub.

Bubbles rise and fill and spill, filling him with uncontrollable laughter, until Mom walks in and says, "Mop up that mess!"

He sucks down those milk-fed bubbles and sops up all the joy he can—still giggling—savoring the fullness that carries him through his day.

Entering God's presence is like that. God can't resist blowing bubbles. The more we focus on His goodness, sing His praises, the more His Holy Spirit rises within us, filling us with heaven's joy. And the more God hears us giggle, the harder He blows, filling us with more of His Spirit until our joy rises and fills and spills.

I use to think God's joy eluded me. Try as I might to fill myself with God's joy, I always came up lacking.

Reread that statement.

We cannot experience heaven's joy simply by wishing or willing. Rather, joy comes as an overflow of God's presence in our livesnot by His choice because God is a Gentleman—never forcing Himself on us. Rather, He simply knocks and waits for us to open the door.

And when we let Him in? He's like a little boy perched above that cold glass of milk with a straw! All darkness dissipates with His Light, His Joy, His Laughter. And laughter is contagious.

Take Out:

Are you searching for true joy in your own strength and coming up empty?

Won't you find a quiet spot and set a table for two? Just you and God. Put on some soft music and fill the room with praise and thanksgiving. Then open the door and invite Him in—trust in His Goodness and let His Spirit fill and rise and spill over you. God can't resist blowing bubbles!


Lord, we thank You for being a God of goodness, kindness and joy. We invite You into our lives, into our quiet spaces and ask Your Holy Spirit to fill us to overflowing; with uncontainable joy from the tops of our heads to the bottom of our feet. May we tell of Your Loving Kindness and tell of the joy your offer. Amen.

© 2014 by Dawn Aldrich. All rights reserved.

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