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Great Is His Faithfulness - Encouragement Café - Feb. 11, 2014

Great Is His Faithfulness

Café Menu for Tuesday, February 11, 2014.

Today’s Special is:  New Beginnings

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Glenn Edwards

Main Ingredient:

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)


Today’s verse, like all of Scripture, becomes so much more beautiful when God reveals its truth to us in His own way.

At a recent retreat to the beach with a group from our church, I had the chance to be roomed in an ocean-front 15th floor accommodation with a balcony overlooking the shoreline.  The view was magnificent.

Before turning in one evening, I took a last look at the beach from that balcony on high and it struck me what a challenge it would have been to find a square foot of sand that had not been disturbed.

Of course there were countless footprints from those walking, jogging or playing threaded through with occasional bicycle tracks.  Numerous castles and other sand creations dotted the view.  Also evident were abandoned excavations of all sizes left behind by children when no buried treasure was uncovered.  Pieces of seaweed lay here and there, and even the random piece of a broken plastic toy could be seen.  If the day’s goal had been to disturb every grain of sand in view, there had been great participation in attempting to complete it.

Rising the next morning, just prior to daybreak, I once again stepped onto the balcony to admire the view and almost did not recognize the landscape. 

Tide had come fully in and was going back out.  The expanse of sand, that had just eight hours before been a disorderly testimony to a day’s activities, was now wiped smooth by the receding water.  Perfectly uniform and gently sloping, the shore was pristine and unblemished for as far as I could see in either direction.  It was stunning.

Immediately the parallel between the now unspoiled sand and God’s daily compassions was illustrated like never before.  Each morning, our eyes open to a day of new opportunities made possible by God’s mercy.

Everything that lies ahead in the day is new opportunity and most importantly, upon our asking, He erases all the regrets of our day’s previous efforts.  We begin anew with an unblemished soul.  He smoothes over our failure, resets our spiritual landscape and invites us into His creation.

Take Out:

Choose a morning during your quiet time to celebrate examples of God’s compassions He gives you on a daily basis.


Father, thank You for Your compassions that greet us each day.  Forgive us when we allow the unknown future to intimidate us instead of leaning on Your goodness.  May we be quick to remember Your great faithfulness.  Through the consuming name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

© 2012 by Glenn Edwards.  All rights reserved.

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