Encouragement Café

Hard Things - Encouragement Café - July 20, 2015

Hard Things

Café Menu for Monday, July 20, 2015

Today’s Special is:  Softening the Blows

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Paris Renae

Main Ingredient:

Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

Luke 12:32 NIV


I write about Living Braver, overcoming fear, finding courage.  I write about it each week and each time I think I am beyond the… doubt.  But the world is a scary place and bad things happen – even to His little flock…

But thanks be to God!  He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57 NIV

As the cliché saying goes, ‘we are a work in progress’ and that has so much to do with our reactions to the lost jobs, the sick children, the death of a parent, ISIS, disasters, and more… I do not want my default reaction to be panic, fear, escape, denial – I want it to be peace, trust, and surrender.

The more we know the Truth, the more we will be set free from our worries.  I have never been afraid when deep in prayer, never worried while studying the Word, because in those moments though the fever runs high, or the cash runs low, or the world seems out of control – in those moments my focus is right where it should be.

Every story, every struggle, every victory in the Bible is for us – we gain confidence knowing that the God of the universe had it in control then, has it in control now, and will forever going forward, be the One in control.

The Psalms are full of God’s assurances and to have some memorized is indeed a comfort:

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; O my God, in You I trust.

Psalm 25:1-2a NASB

Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.

Psalm 27:3 NIV

He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

Psalm 91:15 NIV

In one of her beautiful posts, Ann Voskamp said,

Unceasing thanks can make all these moments dance brave and unafraid.

What a picture… instead of wringing my hands, shaking my fist, pulling my hair… I can be thankful for each moment and dance in my heart with the Lover of my soul.

Today’s verse is the best, because it is our reminder – that no matter the trials or the outcomes, He has already given us the kingdom.  Ours forever, where all stress is not even a memory and worry is turned to only rest…

Take Out:

Join me in the dance, a dance in our hearts where in the midst of the scary we turn our eyes to heaven and ask one more time for Him to give us bravery, courage, and strength.  None of it is our own, all comes from Him.

Today can we look away from what causes our anxiety and towards the kingdom that is already ours?


O, Father, it is in those scary times we forget how omnipotent You are.  We forget the Great I Am has already answered our questions.  The end of the story is victory.  Help us, dear Lord, to turn our eyes, our hearts, our anxious thoughts to You.  Show us how to dance brave in Your arms as You lead us in Christ’s triumphal procession.  It is in the all-powerful Name of our sweet Savior, Jesus that we humbly ask, Amen.

© 2015 by Paris Renae.  All rights reserved.

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