Encouragement Café

He Is With You - Encouragement Café - May 12, 2015

He Is With You

Café Menu for Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Today’s Special is: Trusting that God is with you always.

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Savannah Parvu

Main Ingredient:

… and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:20


Abused and abandoned are two words that describe my childhood.

Growing up in a house with alcoholic and drug addict parents I was placed in many situations that no child should be put in. At a young age I experienced pain so deep that I often wondered how I would be able to go on. I was abused and abandoned by my parents, the ones that are supposed to love you the most. Many people hear the stories of my past and wonder how I endured all that I did.

The answer is God. I believe that even then before I knew who He was or that I needed Him as my Savior, He was at work in my life. He did not cause all of the bad things that happened to me, but He did allow them.

Before I gave my life to the Lord I would often question why God would allow such horrific things to happen to me. How could He allow me to go through all that I did?

Since I have come to know the Lord, He has shown me that even then He was with me. He is using all that I went through and is now allowing me to help others who are going through similar situations as I did.

I have come to find Romans 8:28 to be true in my life.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

Take Out:

When you are facing a tough situation that you don’t understand and you feel so alone I would encourage you to hold on to the promise that God is with you always. Although you may not see it at the time you find hope in knowing that one day God will use the situation for good.


Dear Lord, Help us to trust You with every situation that we are faced with in life. Jeremiah 17:7 says,

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.

Even when we don’t understand what is going on help us to know that you are going to use it for good. In the name of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

© 2012 by Savannah Parvu. All rights reserved.

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