Encouragement Café

Healing for the Doctor - Encouragement Café - August 22, 2014

Healing for the Doctor

Cafe Menu for Friday, August 22, 2014

Today's Special is: Being a Helpmeet to My Doctor Husband

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Dawn Mast

Main Ingredient:

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22


He came home from work and headed straight for the laundry room. With tired eyes he looked at me and took off his clothes. It wasn't as romantic as it sounds. My husband, the doctor, had put in a long day. There was blood on his clothes, and I could tell he was done. He loves his job, but I could see today had depleted him.

This life of medicine has an interesting dynamic because my husband isn't allowed to share details about his patients. Since I'm in the dark about his day, I can't pray in specifics. Once in a while, he will wonder aloud if he has implemented the correct course of treatment. Rarely do I get additional details, but I can see his stress when something has gone very, very wrong.

Do I feel I can share the hard details of my day? Nope. When he is literally dealing with life and death, and I'm trying to teach a child to read and the dog throws up on my foot, it puts things in perspective. Of course we talk about my frustrations, but the situations I formerly held up as gargantuan, hardly matter when compared to his patients who are barely clinging to health and hope.

What my husband needs is prayer. And the occasional surprise Latte in the afternoon. But mostly prayer. I ask God to cover his mind so he can make wise decisions and boldness for him to ask patients if he can pray for them. Certainly, I ask God to give him grace and compassion when he needs to give someone bad news about their health.

The story about the woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years is recorded in Matthew and Mark. But Luke, a physician, added something to his story. The others mention the woman had spent all her money for remedies, but found no healing; or that she spent all she had and grew worse. Only the gospel of Luke mentions that she sought out healing from everyone, but wasn't able to find it. Only when she encountered and touched Jesus was she truly healed.

This is the sign of a good doctor. One who recognizes that Jesus is the Great Physician and only He can bring true, deep, forever healing to us.

Take Out:

If we have a husband, wife or other family member who is a physician, let's lift them up to The Lord who is truly the One Who brings the healing others seek. The job of being in medicine is becoming more and more difficult and the stress level is certainly high. To answer the call to be God's vessel to help heal is an amazing responsibility, and we can be a wonderful prayer support.


Father God, You are the true and only healer. Thank You for these medical workers who sacrifice time, sleep, family time and in some cases, their lives, to bring healing to those who need it. When people are sick or hurt they just want to be well and whole. Thank You for the knowledge, discernment and quick wisdom that these doctors use to help heal people so they can be well enough to be open to hearing the Gospel. By providing healing they are sharing Your Son. What a joy and a blessing! Amen!

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