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Hurry Up and Rest - Encouragement Café - March 24, 2016

Hurry Up and Rest

Café Menu for Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today’s Special is:  Planning For The Unexpected

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Angela Moran

Main Ingredient:           

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14 NIV


As a former front desk receptionist of a very busy office, I attended training on time management and organizational skills.  I learned that the key to managing your time is to plan for the unexpected. 

In a structured environment, unexpected events (such as phone calls, emails, a visitor, etc.) take up 25% of your day.  In a less structured environment, this can be as much as 75-80% of your day!   This is why in my 10 hour day (as a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom who runs a non-profit and two businesses) I only get about 2-2.5 hours of work done each day.  It’s quite freeing actually – instead of wondering where all the time went, I plan for the small time that I do have.

Plan the day (or week) before by prioritizing what you want and need to get done each day.  Know ahead of time that unexpected events will take up a significant part of your day, plan for the rest.  Interesting that word comes up – REST.  Plan for it!

Benjamin Franklin said,

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.

Sometimes that feels like my life! 

Every activity seems to start sooner than expected and I’m rushing from one thing to the next.  The mail stacks up unsorted, the laundry bins overflow, and I’m left with one fork and a plate that are clean... when all I wanted was to eat cereal for breakfast. 

It’s pretty easy to focus on all the things that are screaming for your attention and forget to take care of yourself.  Make a plan to rest – and invite God into that time with you. 

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Exodus 33:14 NIV

Take Out:

Spend a few minutes looking at the plans for your day. 

Have you overscheduled yourself without allowing time for the unexpected?  Have you invited Jesus into your day? 

He promises that His presence goes with us and He will give us rest.  Thank Him that His presence is always there and provides that spiritual rest that our souls need every day.


Dear Lord, thank You that You are with us always.  We need to be aware of Your presence throughout the busyness of our day.  Help us to make plans to get the things done that are important, but also to take care of ourselves and rest.  Show us how to prioritize and plan as You lead and guide our steps each day.  Thank You for loving us, through our successes and our failures.  In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.

© 2016 by Angela Moran.  All rights reserved.

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