Encouragement Café

It Starts With One - Encouragement Café - March 3, 2016

It Starts With One

Café Menu for Thursday, March 3, 2016

Today’s Special: 

How Does God Measure Success

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Carolyn Dale Newell

Main Ingredient:

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Galatians 6:9 NKJV


Can you imagine the doubts that plagued Abraham’s mind?

God had promised him descendants more numerous than the stars, but Abraham and Sarah had no children.  At one point, they took matters into their own hands, thinking they would help God out on those multiple descendants.  However, that did not remedy the problem.  It only made things worse.

Finally, Sarah bore the promised son, Isaac.  Still, Abraham had to be troubled from time to time.  He had faithfully followed God into a far country which his family would inhabit.  

One child?  One descendent?  Yes, one, Isaac, and Isaac had Jacob and Esau.  From Jacob’s children came the twelve tribes of Israel, the multitude of descendants from Abraham.

It all started with just one and if it had only been one, Christ would have still died for that one.

Sometimes writers struggle with feelings of insignificance.  The small number of likes, comments, and followers on our blogs cause discouragement.  However, we cannot give in to doubt.

Perhaps, you face similar issues.  You may not write, but you may sing, teach, or witness.  Maybe you don’t see huge results either, but just like Abraham, it all starts with one.

Christians cannot measure success with the world’s measuring cup.  The world says you need higher numbers, but God starts with just one.

You may be the one I encourage today.  You may share the Gospel and only see a single person turning to Christ.  They may reach one as well, but this is God’s program, and He doesn’t want us to grow weary and give up.  He wants us to move forward reaping His rewards.

Friend, don’t lose heart!  Continue faithfully serving God, and leave the results to Him.  You may never realize how many you truly reach for Christ.

Take Out:

Satan loves to plant doubt, but this is when we must “renew our minds” (Rom. 12:2) and stop thinking like the world.  Commit your service to God and allow Him to take care of the results.


Heavenly Father,

Help us continue to faithfully serve You, entrusting the results to You. Help us show appreciation to those who do the necessary, behind-the-scenes jobs like cleaning the church bathrooms. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2016 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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